Example sentences of "in [art] [noun pl] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 No but I mean in the ones that they have , yes .
2 As for the physical appearance of the people who left behind their stone tools and food refuse , Singer and Wymer can say little because , compared with animal bones , there are few human remains in the deposits and they are mostly fragments of skulls and jawbones and teeth .
3 Because of his principles he had n't served in the Forces and they 'd made him do labouring jobs instead , so that now his hands were n't what they used to be either .
4 Each of them had a job to do in the mornings before they left for school .
5 It was also pointed out that there were cuts in the community care , in particular the home help budget , with home helps being restricted in the chores that they are allowed to carry out by law .
6 ( Piontek was coach of denmark in the eigthies when they had their danish dynamite team which impressed in the world cup finals — the team including the likes of in-form Jan Molby , the elder Laudrup brother , Soren Lerby and a very good striker ( whose name slips me right now .
7 Oh yes , I used to be known in , in , in , in my area as the kitchen man , you know , and sort of , people used to talk in the pubs and they 'd say , oh well you know , my missus wants a new kitchen .
8 The audit report should refer to significant departures from SSAPs where either they are not explained in the accounts or they are explained in the accounts but the auditor does not concur .
9 The audit report should refer to significant departures from SSAPs where either they are not explained in the accounts or they are explained in the accounts but the auditor does not concur .
10 Laughton and his board have put faith in the players and they must repay that faith or look for another club .
11 The offspring live in the combs while they are eggs , larvae , and pupae .
12 Preparing the ‘ patchwork pieces ’ from remnants was an ideal occupation for her continuing band of outworkers ; Laura considered it an essential part of her duty to keep feeding these women , many of whom lived such isolated lives in the hills that they might go for days without talking to anyone .
13 Law centres vary in the services that they provide for individual clients .
14 While many social workers told us they were relieved it was not they , but the courts , who would be arraigned in the tabloids if they ‘ got it wrong ’ , this simply passed on the same worries to the courts .
15 I used to go back home via the local Underground and I 'd take six of our Irish doormen with me , all of them six foot three , and they 'd take the rollers from the roller towels in the Gents and they 'd stand around me , and we would go out in a ‘ flying wedge ’ .
16 The three theories are also selective in another way , in the concepts that they choose to prioritize over others .
17 Firms which operate in imperfectly competitive markets ( such as monopolies and oligopolies ) usually do have some say in the prices that they charge .
18 The surprising point that has occurred with regard to my own business is that other supposed chartered accountants have been preparing fully audited accounts without ever setting foot in the premises that they are conducting the audit for .
19 The executives who try to wring out the risk from forecasts , reworking and re-working the numbers in the equations until they produce a profit , at best plan for mediocrity .
20 This suggests a very high degree of similarity in the mental structure that is brought to bear on the input by language learners and in the strategies that they employ in constructing and progressively modifying their internal grammar .
21 But erm I remember er we used to play in the houses as they were
22 As a result , it is often difficult to be sure that breeding males fertilize all the females in the groups that they guard : for example , even if territorial male red-winged blackbirds ( Agelaius phoeniceus ) are vasectomized , their females sometimes lay fertile eggs ( Bray , Kennelly & Guarino , 1975 ) .
23 ( Gene Hackman was to feature in the plays when they got to New York . )
24 It is almost always difficult to discover how these men built their fortunes at the beginning , because they leave no significant mark in the records until they have already made some mark in society .
25 South Africa 's Bill Mosley 's and Jeff Rabkin from Israel clinched a quarter-final place in the pairs when they beat Ireland 's Rodney McCutcheon and Cliff Craig 7-3 , 0-7 , 7-6 , 7-6 last night .
26 Nor are women prominent in senior positions in the professions although they have long had a place there in those areas concerned with women 's affairs which are most clearly associated with their assumed ‘ natural ’ role of caring for and serving others .
27 Felt broke up in 1989 , not because of the usual tired catalogue of ‘ musical differences ’ or drug problems , but because it was written in the stars that they would break up .
28 It 's the tiles are copies of ones found in the foundations and they 're hung on hand split oak lathes .
29 We 'd rubbish each other in the columns but they ring each other up and scream with laughter .
30 in the leaves as they whisper beneath the wind ,
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