Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun pl] who " in BNC.

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1 All doctors ( n=48 ) in the participating practices who had performed two or more prompted clinical reviews by May 1989 were also sent a questionnaire of 24 question stems , of which seven are reproduced in box 3 ; 31 general practitioners ( 65% ) responded .
2 All occupiers of property in the five parishes who were rated at £10 per annum , or whose personal estates were worth more than £500 , were nominated as the Guardians of the Poor of Bedford .
3 The median time to detection of HBV infection was 33 days ( range 6–224 ) in the five patients who received six grafts which developed progressive liver injury ( fibrosing cholestatic hepatitis or cirrhosis ) compared with 39 days ( range 26–331 ) in seven patients with recurrent HBV associated with mild liver disease .
4 Harsher penalties in particular could help foster a tough , ‘ macho ’ criminal self-image in the young men who predominate in the criminal statistics .
5 We are grateful to staff and pupils in the six schools who spared time to be interviewed .
6 We are grateful to staff and pupils in the six schools who spared time to be interviewed .
7 Home po 2 monitoring was undertaken in 134 patients ; in the 120 patients who have discontinued it lasted for a median duration of 5.5 months ( range 0.3–17.5 ) .
8 None of the patients who regularly took aspirin and other NSAIDs experienced gall stone recurrence , compared with 20 recurrences in the 63 patients who did not ( p<0.02 Fisher 's exact test ) .
9 Was it the last act of a popular drama begun at Aranjuez and thwarted by Napoleon 's desertion of Ferdinand and protection of Godoy , a revolution of disappointed vengeance , a revolution directed against Godoy 's creatures in the provincial administrations who now followed the French ?
10 His release is a victory for those elements in the armed forces who reject even their fellow officers ' professional criticism of the Falklands campaign and argue that General Galtieri deserved a statue , not a prison sentence , for his actions .
11 Could that person obtain advice from people in the armed forces who have legal training , or could the armed forces obtain that sort of advice for the person seeking it ?
12 Forty five patients had previously been pregnant and in this subgroup , there were 11 recurrences compared with only one in the 10 patients who were nulliparous — corresponding to LTA rates of 31.2 ( 9.0 ) % and 20.0 ( 17.9 ) % respectively at 42 months ( NS ) .
13 For example , supposing you want to refer to the fact that the groom is a medical student and you have a story about a king dying in the Middle Ages who says the physician has killed him , tell this story but end it , ‘ Of course medicine has come a long way since those days , .
14 He is like a runner in the 5000 metres who walks all the way to the bell and then tries to make up lost time by running the last lap like a 100 metre sprint finalist — not a good technique , as you can imagine .
15 Of the six patients who had previously had gall stone recurrence , five ( 83% ) developed a further recurrence during the trial compared wth 16 recurrences in the 76 patients who had not previously had recurrent stones ( 21% ) .
16 Though popularity did not necessarily translate into greater recognition in official circles , it did inhibit those in the two governments who would have liked to ditch him altogether .
17 The work earmarked for the Alton plant also includes creating additional treatment capacity to cope with the waste from households in the out-lying villages who are now being placed on main drainage .
18 Evacuation required the help of a large number of middle-class voluntary workers in the rural areas who , perhaps more than any other section of the population , had very fixed ideas of social propriety ; it was this lobby that propagated the wildly exaggerated and inaccurate stories of the evacuees ' condition .
19 On leave , he showed no interest in the worshipping beauties who crowded to sleep with him , but spent his time in conversation with the aircraft designers .
20 This finding may have clinical importance in the few patients who have pronounced hypergastrinaemia because of profound long acting acid inhibition .
21 This finding may be of clinical importance in the few patients who have severe hypergastrinaemia as a result of long acting profound acid inhibition .
22 Even the Dutch , who colonized the nation longer than any other Western power , were more interested in trading posts than in exploration , and vested their authority in the local chieftains who in turn vested theirs on down the line so that a great many Indonesians have still never seen a European .
23 As we saw , permissive trends in today 's culture are in part derived from a one-sided and shallow apprehension of Freudian ideas ; but in my view the situation has not been improved by one major distortion of Freud 's thinking of which many analysts and nearly all writers in the social sciences who have used psychoanalytic ideas have been guilty .
24 Overall seroprevalence and GMTs 13–17 months after vaccination were extrapolated from titres measured in the 164 participants who could be located in March–April , 1992 , in proportion to the serological state of children within each age group and vaccine subgroup at baseline and at 4–6 weeks after vaccination .
25 Has the Secretary of State made any advance in redressing the ridiculous situation of the Scottish soldiers in the territorial units who served in the Gulf for 51 days and who were constantly under attack by Scud missiles ?
26 Having said that , there are other reinsurers both in Lloyd 's and in the commercial markets who have and who intend to run a profitable book of political risk reinsurance .
27 But in reporting this highly selective history of Scotland 's footballing campaigns Hampden Babylon remains loyal to the great myths of the game , and to the undoubted disgust of the Scottish Football Association , places its faith in the anti-authoritarian players who have come to Scotland 's rescue in the past and brightened our mediocrity with a touch of madness .
28 In the 19 patients who were siblings of victims of sudden infant death syndrome , a diagnosis of suffocation was made in five , all of whom had recurrent events .
29 Its uniform was to be seen in the massed ranks who paraded in Hyde Park and at Olympia or the White City .
30 No , the only buggers Sam Snort has any time for are the boys down in the gay bars who have affectively tendered their resignation from the Snortian fields of romantic endeavour .
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