Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 Hence the state can act in the long-run interests of capital against the current wishes of short-sighted capitalists .
2 Civil servants in an advanced industrial state are meritocratically selected ( Therborn , 1978 ) even though their tasks are to plan in the long-run interests of capitalism .
3 American federalism was also explained by Charles Beard ( 1935 ) as a device which promoted national integration in the long-run interests of the merchant class .
4 ‘ It wo n't be necessary , Agnes dear , ’ said Dorothy , in the firm tones of a headmistress .
5 This decrease in the CO2 yield corresponds to the increase in hydrocarbon yield ( the total cumulative yield : is the same for both coals ) and since chemical analyses of the Palaeozoic and Tertiary coals at the same maturity were very similar , it can be inferred that there are internal differences in the chemical structures of the two coal types .
6 This led to Gibson being seconded in 1928 to work with Michels on the properties of gases at high pressures , and to ICI becoming interested in the chemical effects of high pressures , the theme of Gibson 's work on his return to Winnington in 1931 .
7 Lord Haldane himself expressed his ‘ strong conviction that , at all events for a judge who is to sit in the Supreme Tribunals of the Empire , a House of Commons training is a real advantage .
8 CDP participation in the 1970s discussions of this relationship , and notably of moves towards ‘ partnership in validation ’ , will feature in the next chapter , but it is important to note that the CDP , with an established office and secretariat , and the authority of the first in the field , was never matched by the Standing Conference of Principals and Directors of Colleges and Institutes in Higher Education .
9 The attempts to improve the performances of nationalised industries were not allowed to run their course , because in the 1970s governments of both major parties used nationalised industries in order to achieve wider macroeconomic targets .
10 The theme of movement is again explored in the twisting pieces of aluminium , that have been translated into bronze in the final sculpture .
11 ‘ Like many secondary schools , we 're seeing an enormous change in the upper school population — both in the sheer numbers of those staying on , and in the type of students we have .
12 Underneath the trees and in the closer edges of fields I spend hours layering grasses and nettles .
13 The valley of the upper Lugg is a tree-clad grove in the rounded mountains of that part of Wales still known to its inhabitants as Radnorshire .
14 Mary of Guise was brought up in the charmed circles of the greatest French aristocracy .
15 As far as the eye could see the earth was brown : there were white pockets of unmelted snow , and sombre green pine thickets on the ridges , but no leaves on the deciduous trees and no bright green shoots in the withered remains of last year 's grass .
16 At Bologna in the late 1180s Lothar may have made the acquaintance among his fellow students of Peter Collivaccinus of Benevento , and others , who were later to be important in the legal developments of his pontificate , collecting papal legal decisions or decretals .
17 However , as with many Community rules , Articles 85 and 86 have what is known as ‘ direct effect ’ in the legal systems of member states ; it is therefore open to any individual to invoke these rules and seek appropriate relief before their domestic courts .
18 During the year , the Government acceded to requests to establish a Review Committee which will examine differences in the legal bases of valuation practice north and south of the border .
19 Businessmen must be able to do business with confidence in the legal results of their actions .
20 That he had good cause is suggested by the fact that the raid is mentioned in the legal formulae of the Auvergne as being a time of great destruction .
21 The history of North Tyneside CDP and what it did can be found in the final reports of the project itself ( North Tyneside CDP , 1977 , 1978 a , b and c ) and an account of CDP as a national exercise is given in Loney ( 1983 ) .
22 An account of North Shields ' industrial , urban and political history is given in the final reports of the North Tyneside CDP ( 1977 , 1978 a , b and c ) , which form the baseline for this study .
23 We shall look at these issues in greater detail in the final chapters of the thesis .
24 However , as we saw in the final sections of that chapter , a consideration of single word identification leads naturally to a consideration of the larger linguistic units in which words normally occur ; and hence we concluded the previous chapter with a discussion of contextual effects on visual and auditory word recognition .
25 In the final sections of this chapter , examples of more complex systems are used , and consideration is given to the role of computer simulation techniques in understanding and predicting their behaviour .
26 However , it looks as though Grand Met 's bid is going to be beaten by a management buyout which is in the final stages of negotiation .
27 By the end of the year , the Association had two Lodges with residents in occupation , and a third in the final stages of conversion .
28 But Mother Kirk — a sort of Anglican version of Langland 's Mother Church — is certainly John 's guide in the final stages of his journey .
29 While West Germany 's objections are the most serious , it is not the only member cutting up rough in the final stages of the monopoly and competition edict .
30 By then , warnings were already blowing in the post-imperial winds of change that the all-regular Army might soon be overstretched trying to maintain stability in the final stages of Britain 's withdrawal from Empire .
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