Example sentences of "in [art] [noun] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Youngsters aged between seven and can join in the fun at the Ice Bowl , the Lough Moss Centre and the Robinson Centre , from 10am-1pm .
2 The most important and eloquent theologian in the West at the end of the second century was Tertullian , a lay Christian of Carthage .
3 In April 1943 , the contract was extended to the repair of Typhoon mainplanes and this work was accommodated in the space at the Works vacated by the cessation of manufacture of the Horsa glider wings .
4 Mr Bland spent four years in a persistent vegetative state after his brain was starved of oxygen in the crush at the Hillsborough football ground in Sheffield in which more than 90 people died in 1989 .
5 But today , the talk in the line-up at The Pit — the line of surfers waiting just beyond the breaking waves — is more sombre , and centres on the local sewage problem .
6 Among about 400 guests in the Atrium at the Millbank centre , just along the road from the Houses of Parliament , were authors , entertainers , stars from stage , screen and sport — and a smattering of ordinary people from worthy walks of life such as ambulance drivers , nurses , teachers and charity workers .
7 in the calm at the end of summer .
8 Tiller began to provide entertainment in the intervals at the Empress Ballroom , Blackpool .
9 What was Jesus doing when his parents found him in the Temple at the end of their search for him ?
10 The papacy used similar techniques and by the ninth century , perhaps even before , pictorial schemes were found in the papal palace and in the basilica at the Lateran .
11 Richard Wilson 's oil room , ‘ 20.50 ’ , created in the gallery at the beginning of 1991 , remains on permanent view .
12 She dragged the bicycle from the shed , placed the bag and the towelling , a little insecurely , in the basket at the front and somehow managed to throw her leg , encumbered by her heavy skirts , over the high framework , so different from the shape of the one on which Papa had taught her to ride .
13 A horse that stands just twenty one inches high is pulling in the crowds at a small breeds farm .
14 Welcome back : One of Britain 's best loved racehorses , Desert Orchid has been pulling in the crowds at the Three Counties Show .
15 The technology has taken on a more dominant role in controlling the way work is carried out and also the number of staff involved in the system at a given time .
16 Options will be granted under seal and will be exercisable within a period of ten years and will entitle the recipients to acquire ordinary shares in the Company at a price determined by the Committee , being not less than the average of the middle market quotations for such shares as derived from the Daily Official List of The Stock Exchange for the three dealing days immediately preceding the date of grant or the market value ( as agreed with the Inland Revenue ) of the shares as at the date of grant ( or , in the case of new shares , their nominal value if greater ) .
17 Little has been seen or heard of the V of R this year , but apparently there have been something of an upheaval in the Company at the end of the season and few people are now employed .
18 you sure its not in the things at the side ? , what at
19 Many pupils may object that they find this kind of culture to be alien and puzzling at first since this is a non-exam course there is opportunity for pupils to mark time without any serious results but to achieve personal development gradually or late on in the course at an individual pace .
20 I was involved in the case at a late stage , and that is the subject of the court 's findings .
21 In the mob at the embassy gates , there will be only one who is tallest ; similarly , given one rosebush out of a pair there will be only one which is the other ; and in a queue of art-lovers there will be only one who is first .
22 ‘ I remember passing you in the corridor at the INCUBI:IS building in Helsinki .
23 Earlier , avoiding Matey 's compressed lips , he had picked up the whisky bottle and reached for a glass — anything , so long as he achieved oblivion , surcease from pain — and then he had heard her voice again , in the corridor at the church hall , mockingly telling him to retreat to it .
24 In the chapel at the Beguinage , you can listen to the nuns chanting their prayers wearing the white headresses and black robes of the original beguines .
25 He had , with Edouard 's assistance , erected a memorial to their father in the chapel at the Chateau de Chavigny where he and his ancestors were buried .
26 Official statements said that no art restoration work was being carried out in the Chapel at the time of the fire .
27 However , we are hopeful that in the vast majority of cases such members can be included in the Scheme at the normal rates .
28 The , there are two hundred people I am told , in the hall at the rear so I shall move shortly resolution to bring forward motion at the rear of the agenda forward , before that I shall deal with the routine council business of petitions , declarations of interest and members ' questions .
29 Entitled ‘ Museums and their Public ’ the conference is being organised by the Museums and Galleries Commission in collaboration with the Commission of the European Communities , the City of Glasgow , the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Edinburgh and the Scottish Museums Council .
30 This is a startling remark , but it is delivered as a matter of course , and Ross ( 1777–1856 ) , a naval officer and eventually an admiral himself , is unlikely to have been mistaken about something generally known in the service at the time .
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