Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 This attack , which made inevitable the outbreak of a great European war ( see p. 298 ) was in part provoked by the contents of documents which a Saxon government clerk had been bribed to betray to the Prussians .
32 We may assume , however , that he will have a better understanding of the purpose of the author in constructing the text in the way it is constructed if he knows that it is written in the late nineteenth century ( which will account for some differences in code , in Hymes ' terms ) in Victorian England ( which will account for the reference to a Reformatory ) and that the author is constructing the first English detective story , narrating the events from the point of view of four different participants , whose characters are in part revealed by the narrative style which the author assigns to them .
33 The surprise decision to concentrate the main allied armoured thrust to the west of Kuwait was in part motivated by the desire to avoid having to make a frontal assault upon the extensive Iraqi fortifications on the Kuwaiti-Saudi Arabian border .
34 He was aware that their confidence in him was in part based on the myth that he was devoid of any of the normal human weaknesses such as fear or self-doubt .
35 The conciliatory approach of the Ramos administration was in part based on the pragmatic need to increase political stability in order to bolster investor confidence .
36 They are in part based upon the statistical techniques described above , but use whatever mathematical form of extrapolation ( forward projection ) that the forecaster considers will be most valid in achieving a prediction .
37 Without Einstein 's insight , in part inspired by the trivial' matter of Mercury 's orbit , our knowledge of science , not to mention our technology , would be at a much lower level than it is today .
38 The ways the mother handles the baby will be in part affected by the culture of which she is a member .
39 The Beveridge Report , which formed the basis of much of the post-war social security legislation , contained certain features which in part led to the need to reform the pension system .
40 As has been noted , the debate between Hart and Devlin was in part stimulated by the publication of the Wolfenden Report , and Hart begins by noting the striking similarity between J.S. Mill 's argument outlined above and the position adopted by the Wolfenden Committee in s.13 of their Report :
41 The conceptual hotch-potch of the traditional curriculum , based on subjects which are a random assortment of content-based , concept-based , skill-based and moral-based collections of ideas ( whose confusing absurdity is in part exemplified by the NCC 's cross-curricular skills which are exactly the same as the curricular subjects ) has never been designed from first principles to do the basic job of a curriculum , which is to help achieve aims in the most effective and efficient way .
42 Like the rest of the group she is working against considerable odds — yet these odds are in part created by the nature of the scheme itself .
43 The texture of the novel is in part created by the juxtaposition of dead metaphors and new ones created by slight adjustments to the normal patterns of the language : " … the sun looked down into the top of the dead tree and breathed warmly on the two people " ( p. 142 ) .
44 Some of these are essentially historical : the interest developed in part as a reaction or antidote to Chomsky 's treatment of language as an abstract device , or mental ability , dissociable from the uses , users and functions of language ( an abstraction that Chomsky in part drew from the post-Bloomfieldian structuralism that predominated immediately before transformational generative grammar ) .
45 The stunning realism that he offered was not that of any old son of an Irish barman from New York but more precisely his own realism , in part natural and in part perfected by the very conscious application of technique .
46 If the growing power of the medical profession was in part derived from the certainty and coherence of its discourse , then the success of repeal opposition was dependent on the mobilization of an alternative language capable of challenging professional power and expertise .
47 We aim to show in Chapter 5 that this blindness was in part promoted by the religious elements in their beliefs .
48 The meeting was in part overshadowed by the crisis in Yugoslavia .
49 The Denmark Farm Conservation Centre is in part financed by the Countryside Council for Wales , who have recognised the experiment as being of national significance .
50 In the geological field , Aberdeen University has produced a number of M Sc theses derived from research on the geology of North Sea oil fields , in part financed by the local oil industry , and most have been subject to restricted access at the behest of the funding authorities .
51 WE WERE IN PART educated by the Poms .
52 Analysis of their expression in pheochromocytoma PC 12 cells which mimicks neuronal development has shown that the NF-L and NF-M genes are at least in part controlled at the level of transcription , whereas the induction of NF-H by nerve growth factor is controlled post-transcriptionally ( 4,5 ) .
53 On the question of risk , the attraction of the various legal forms is in part predicated upon the attitude of the RICS to relief from the restrictions on practising with limited liability .
54 Learning theories have been much more important in positivist theorising about the acquisition of criminal tendencies .
55 The graphics are well drawn , and all the major pieces of Allied and German hardware are represented , with many of the pieces not normally seen in computer wargames like the British Sexton Self propelled gun , and the massive JagdTiger Tank destroyer .
56 Work is in hand to examine the relationship between existing HNC and HND courses in Agriculture developed by the Scottish Agricultural College and Lead Body standards at Level III and IV with a view to establishing SVQs .
57 Can the large firm in agriculture compete with the proverbial flexibility , in work and income , of the family farmer ?
58 The underlying cause may be the changes in agriculture described in the earlier chapters of this book , but the newcomers represent the most visible and tangible manifestation of a disruption of community life which would have occurred in any case .
59 The first S in SSC comes from the fact that its magnets rely on coils of superconducting wire , which work only when chilled to about -269C , 4C above absolute zero .
60 Interest in knitting began at the age of nine and resulted in many short stripy scarves !
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