Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [noun] as [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 provided that the tribunal does not object to the ‘ representation ’ of the client , and the Area Director has approved an application for any extension , the solicitor can in practice act as advocate for the client and get paid .
2 Many villagers attended his funeral , with his team mates in football gear as pall bearers .
3 The large-scale youth unemployment coincided with a collapse in apprenticeship schemes as industry , in recession , withdrew its support for the part-time vocational courses that were the stock-in-trade of the further education colleges , many of whom had evolved from the old mechanics institutes .
4 In South Arabia as part of the Pax Britannica in the 1950s and 1960s , when some local robber baron was ‘ persuaded ’ to stop plundering caravans , he was invited to surrender a hostage to authority , as a gesture of future good faith .
5 Two AI delegates attended a conference in Colombo from 11 to 16 March on trades union and human rights in South Asia as guest speakers .
6 In Welsh , neither of the two courses explicitly taught Language in Education work as part of the methods ( 200 and 100 hours respectively ) .
7 Sheila Danby spent most of her working life in education , latterly in adult literacy as part of Operation Upgrade which involved working in Soweto .
8 GENERAL MOTORS of the US may build new facilities in the UK to support a major increase in Jaguar production as part of its plan to take a 30 per cent stake in the luxury car maker .
9 That is , they use light energy to split water , and extract hydrogen ; and then combine this hydrogen with ( low-energy ) carbon dioxide to produce high-energy organic molecules : molecules which in turn act as fuel and as the raw material from which is fashioned almost all living flesh , both animal and plant .
10 Nonetheless , some studies have suggested that there is an increase in bile secretion as part of the cephalic phase .
11 Politics of oil : Just before his attachment to the premier 's office at Number 10 Downing Street , he got a very good grounding in oil politics as head of the FO 's Middle East department .
12 According to Lesley Bell , director of the Joint Initiative for Community Care , funded by the ADSS and the Local Government Management Board , departments should encourage service managers to see a spell in care management as part of their career development , possibly towards a more senior post in service management .
13 Salomon , himself a secured creditor of the company , was therefore entitled to the remaining £6000 in company assets as part payment of his secured debentures .
14 Control Data Corp expects to record charges of about $400m against its second quarter , about $130m attributable to Control Data Systems — $115m in restructuring charges and $15m in inventory write-downs as part of the transition from the proprietary Cyber mainframes to integration of open systems and applications .
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