Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [coord] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I prefer to rinse the olives well if they have been bottled in brine and then to toss them in a little olive oil and leave for an hour or two before serving .
2 When the trade unions established the Labour Party as a parliamentary voice for organised labour , they likewise established the ‘ duty to win ’ — to achieve power in Parliament and then to hang on to that power come what may , or put more bluntly , regardless of socialist principle .
3 We do not have to decide whether to keep in bulk or alternatively to sample , particular instance papers which electronic data handling techniques now make potentially useful to the historian in ways that they simply were not before .
4 Pressure groups are now campaigning for the law to be extended to cover back seat passengers too , principally with the safety of children in mind but also to protect front seat occupants who can be injured in a crash if an unrestrained person in the back is thrown forward .
5 It is one thing to have a good system in place and then to discover that in practice , on site for example , a different system is used or that there is no system in use .
6 If being in unfamiliar places worries you , you might find it helpful to visit the reception hall in advance and even to stand where you will be standing to give the speech and rehearse the opening sentence .
7 The expedient adopted by Trudgill is to deal with each component of soil and vegetation in turn and then to build up a sequential picture of the whole system .
8 Most people like some form of bedside lighting — either for reading in bed or simply to create a cosy atmosphere .
9 The mnemonic RAM reminds you of repetition , association and mnemonics , and these three techniques can be used in combination or separately to retain in your memory the facts , ideas or opinions that you encounter in your studies .
10 As director of the OMB , David Stockman 's responsibility was , first , to keep the cabinet in line and then to mastermind the passage of the president 's proposals through Congress .
11 In the one set of cases , the adjective is used not merely as a subordinate element in qualification but also to apply a property directly to the entity designated by the noun , the head word of the phrase ; in the other the adjective mentions the same property but it is merely , in some way , to be associated with that entity ; it is certainly intended to assist in entity-identification — and that is why it is there — but as a property it actually belongs to someone or something else .
12 Pedro Fernández Dittus was not , however , required to spend time in detention but merely to present himself to the authorities once a week .
13 The lack of Kingdom emphasis in John is probably explained by the fact that he is writing more in retrospect and possibly to play down false expectations in the contemporary Jewish understanding of the Kingdom .
14 Because one is using Euclidean space-times , in which the time direction is on the same footing as directions in space , it is possible for space-time to be finite in extent and yet to have no singularities that formed a boundary or edge .
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