Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [vb past] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The new EGs have been rethought and in part redesigned with a less obvious PRS body style .
2 The Beveridge Report , which formed the basis of much of the post-war social security legislation , contained certain features which in part led to the need to reform the pension system .
3 Some of these are essentially historical : the interest developed in part as a reaction or antidote to Chomsky 's treatment of language as an abstract device , or mental ability , dissociable from the uses , users and functions of language ( an abstraction that Chomsky in part drew from the post-Bloomfieldian structuralism that predominated immediately before transformational generative grammar ) .
4 Interest in knitting began at the age of nine and resulted in many short stripy scarves !
5 At one level , then , leading abolitionists in parliament came to the conclusion that the language of practicality , of plausible calculations about population increase in the future in the West Indies if importations from Africa were stopped , were more likely to be effective on their colleagues .
6 In the 1918 General Election Liberal representation in parliament fell from the 272 of December 1910 to 151 .
7 The major shift in practice came with the Housing Act , 1935 .
8 We found that regardless of the subject labels adopted , the curriculum in practice consisted of a further and perhaps more influential ‘ core ’ of ten generic activities ( writing , using apparatus , reading , listening , drawing or painting , collaboration , movement , talking to the teacher , construction , talking to the class — see Table 3.1 ) .
9 Her career in geography began at a time when , in Britain , this field was still among the less fully organized of the sciences .
10 It is evident that the tourist whom railway companies , hotels and guide-books had in mind belonged to the comfortably-off middle classes .
11 On the same day , however , Chief Cabinet Secretary Koichi Kato issued a carefully worded statement on behalf of the government which claimed that it was in " deep reflection for having caused unbearable agony and sorrow to the peoples in parts of Asia and the Pacific in fighting started with the attack on Pearl Harbour " .
12 This in effect led to a situation where the commercial energy input became about equal to the equivalent energy output of edible grains .
13 The freedom of the Secretary of State to depart from the recommendations of the National Curriculum Council ( to which proposals on attainment targets and programmes of study must be referred ) , as in effect happened in the case of the history curriculum , stands in marked contrast to the restrictions binding teachers under the National Curriculum .
14 Norman Dennis ( 1970 ) showed how in Sunderland a change in attitude led to a hardening resistance to slum clearance ; another study charted the conflict between a local community and a city planning department , Newcastle ( Davies , 1972 ) .
15 This can be thought of as a probability measure that the word token in question resulted from a misspelling of a dictionary word .
16 The Councillor in question spoke to the meeting , but the Chairman ruled that the issue of closure could not be raised , as the meeting was considering only the Secretary of State 's request for comments .
17 However , his Lordship considered the second submission , that a contract had been created in respect of the provision of and payment for the valuation report , to be well-founded , because the declaration in question consisted of an offer by the society to provide a copy of the report to the pursuers in exchange for payment , which they accepted by signing and returning the form .
18 The same source claims that the 51 women in question consisted of the best workers in that department " ( presumably this means the most senior ) .
19 A most curious maze of ruined stone walls covered in ivy emerged from a mass of brambles .
20 Blacks ' recent involvement in sport began in the 1950s and continued spasmodically through the next two decades , intensifying as the 1980s approached ; in the spheres in which they opted to compete , many achieved excellence .
21 A figure in khaki ran towards the cab shouting , as a couple more bombs crashed down not far away .
22 So Jeanette , Ian and his sister in law went to the mortuary at the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital .
23 The customers in return sneered at the clothing offered to them , and flung it on the ground .
24 Every sockless wonder in town partied to the lush tones of Trevor Horn 's ‘ Lexicon of Love ’ , and Morrissey found a purpose and humanity in Manchester 's ideal packed but far from illustrious Secret Seven ( a kind of heavy Dollar formed from the ashes of The Distractions and riding on a wave of hype ) .
25 In 1927–28 , the Cambridge and Ipswich Tutorial Classes in Biology participated in a six-talks broadcast on The Problems of Heredity given by Mary Adams , then tutor to the Cambridge branch .
26 The generalized conclusion ( first widely popularized by Martinson ( 1974 ) ) that ‘ nothing works ’ became widely accepted less because of its validity than because it was a message suited to its time , and because the disappointment of the high hopes invested in reform led to an over-reaction against the rehabilitative ideal .
27 His interest in chemistry continued until the end of his life , together with his ready help to staff and enquirers .
28 And those in charge strutted along the lines and there was an anger at their faces that Holly had not seen before .
29 Paisley 's third appearance in court resulted from a protest against Rome rather than against liberal Protestants .
30 My own interest in meat began as a general curiosity concerning our seemingly confused attitudes to this seminal substance , and a wish to sort the complex ideas into some sort of pattern .
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