Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [prep] the house " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The kitchen has to be in sympathy with the house you live in .
2 Last May , however , in response to the House of Commons Agriculture Select Committee report on ‘ Land Use and Forestry ’ and to public pressure , the government announced a review of red deer legislation to bring damage to the natural heritage within its remit .
3 This action comes in response to the House of Commons agricultural select committee which , seven months prior to the publication of its report , urged that there should be more research into " mad cow " disease .
4 Erm but the most unfortunate thing that Old Edward the the old chap who owned the place he was living in part of the house and Old Jane , his housekeeper , my mother she could bake bread and wash , her mother had taught her that , but it was making butter that was the problem .
5 Passed on Sept. 12 the Senate appropriations bill , in contrast to the House 's , also allowed the government , which was currently banned from financing abortions for poor women , to pay for them in cases of rape and incest .
6 In 1829–30 , like his father before him , he served as mayor of Kendal , and in addition to the house he had built for himself in the town ( c .1823 ) he had a country property in Lindale , Lancashire , which he inherited from his father , and he later built an occasional residence in nearby Grange-over-Sands .
7 The miscalculations of Wilson in 1970 , Heath in February 1974 , Callaghan in 1978–9 and the patent inability of government to manipulate the flagging economy of the 1970s culminated in 1979 with the minority Labour government suffering the indignity of being forced to call an election when defeated on a motion of ‘ no confidence ’ by the combination of all parties in opposition in the House of Commons — the first time this had happened since 1924 .
8 Subject to sub-paragraph ( iii ) below , when the Parliamentary Labour Party is in opposition in the House of Commons the election of the party leader and deputy leader shall take place at each annual party conference .
9 We heard it in nineteen eighty and we heard it again in nineteen eighty seven in pursuance of the House Builders Federation 's er views .
10 The swimming-pool area at the rear of the mellow old house was built in keeping with the house .
11 During proceedings in Committee in the House of Commons , it became apparent that there was all-party support for extending the law rather further than was initially proposed , and this Part of the Bill was substantially redrafted .
12 The Labour package involves electing a reformed and representative Upper House in place of the House of Lords .
13 ‘ Oh ! ’ said Fenella and stood still and clasped her hands together and for a moment forgot entirely about being in danger in the house of an ancient and evil sorcerer .
14 I set out in May 1985 to write a feature for the Financial Times about this man apparently rich enough with his two brothers to pay £615m in cash for the House of Fraser .
15 One thing that intrigued me in the course of my meeting with Kagan was his careful enquiries about what duties were involved in membership of the House of Lords .
16 Mr Green , the local bailiff , became a regular visitor , usually calling when Mother was in charge of the house .
17 She left her cleaning-woman , Maryann , in charge of the house , and set out on foot one evening .
18 This Upper House would then be set in conflict with the House of Commons ; and the Lower House , although largely unreformed and unrepresentative , would have the deciding vote .
19 His mum had got the caterers in back at the house and there were great plates of sandwiches and cakes and even a couple of barrels of Tetley 's out in the kitchen with the head waiter from the restaurant at Mary Ann Evans 's dispensing from the tap .
20 This interpretation of the legal position has been disputed strongly by a number of individuals and organisations , particularly in evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Communities .
21 This aspect was heavily criticised in evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Communities ; the Committee considered the draft to be too closely production orientated and criticised MAFF for stifling any innovate features it contains by their generally backward-looking tendency .
22 On this latter point , Lord Belstead ( Minister of State , MAFF ) in evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee , stated that ADAS is broadening its ability to give environmental/conservation advice in conjunction with NCC .
23 William Webster , director of the US Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) , had said in evidence to the House armed services committee on Dec. 5 that sanctions " have dealt a serious blow " , shutting off " more than 90 per cent of imports and 97 per cent of exports " but that there was " no assurance or guarantee " that economic hardship would bring a change in Iraqi policy .
24 The local authority were empowered to do the work themselves by section 10(1) of the Act of 1957 which provided that if the person in control of the house did not comply with a notice to execute work then after specified periods of time ‘ the local authority may themselves do the work required to be done by the notice …
25 A mixed party of kin from both sides , including the bride and the gatekeeper cross-cousin but not the bride 's parents , returned in procession to the house of the groom 's parents .
26 In respect of the house buyers ' report and valuation it is stated :
27 When the Secretary of State last raised the point in debate in the House , he was told unequivocally by my hon. Friend the Member for Fife , Central ( Mr. McLeish ) that he fully supported the TECs .
28 Hath any man ever seen a poor aged man live in courtesy in the house of his son with his daughter-in-law ? …
29 The outcome of the policy process is an even gamble , all win some bets and lose others , in contrast to the elitists ' view that the odds are stacked in favour of the house .
30 Voting was 30 to 17 in favour in the House of Bishops , 149 to 85 in the House of Clergy and 144 to 78 in the House of Laity .
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