Example sentences of "in [adv] [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 ’ Sheila said this in much the tone of incredulity as she might have said , ‘ If I ever die . ’
2 One particular advantage of models such as these is that they can be used to produce multipliers which show the effects of changes in eg the population of a region on the employment levels in that region .
3 Changes in hiring forms and in master-to-man relationships tending towards the predomination of the wage form in both agriculture and manufacturing resulted in only a part of the labourer 's life , his working hours , being under the control of his employer .
4 Some 40 per cent of women with gonorrhoea are found to harbour the bug in the rectum and it is clear that in only a minority of cases has the gonococcus been ‘ placed ’ there .
5 Many general practitioners , however , continue to offer low levels of supervision , and diabetic miniclinics are still offered in only a minority of practices .
6 In the Berber heartland of Kabylie east of Algiers the boycott appeal by Aït Ahmed resulted in only a quarter of the electorate voting .
7 The issue of competence to carry out a review is critical considering that in only a quarter of all cases were outsiders much involved .
8 In only a handful of cases did the interviewer have to direct the interview to any great extent , and then only in cases where the informant responded only in short phrases .
9 There is no evidence that I 've finished , I 've finished eating and I 've finished my meal involve different senses of finish , so we must say that complete is a cognitive synonym of finish in only a sub-set of the grammatical occurrences of the latter .
10 He gestured towards the door , where Hilary Frome was standing , flaunting his fair hair and profile , and looking still more like an illustration of one of Baden Powell 's scouting manuals ; a fine specimen of British boyhood , who in only a matter of a year or two might be imagined assuming the burden of Empire , and administering imperial justice with rod and gun to one or other of the lesser breeds without the law .
11 We established that she and Sir Richard are lovers , adulterers , fornicators , and in only a matter of time we could have had a confession that they were guilty of Sir Thomas 's death as well as the .
12 Johnson , in perhaps a fit of amending courtesy , reflects upon the excellence of ‘ Isle of Muck ’ as a landlord .
13 This method has to be handled with a great deal of care since the danger is that it will result in exactly the kind of antagonism which the salesperson is wishing to avoid .
14 In just a couple of days you 'll find your feet and get that special feeling that you belong in your Club .
15 Fill in the blanks and in just a couple of hours you can have a fully integrated 3 year financial forecast , including Sales , Operating Expenses , P&L , Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Analysis .
16 He 'll be able to return to his Florida oceanside home in just a couple of hours .
17 He was back in just a couple of minutes , and his face was set into dark , angry lines .
18 His salary is now £143,000 , which means that it has more than trebled in just a couple of years .
19 Erm moving on and talking about the subject of the Gascoigne Wood pits or the er proposed tip at the Gascoigne Wood pits in just a couple of moments time .
20 so will there be a game and if so where and shall i pack my football shoes in my luggage — im leaving home ( over here in even colder ( -5 C ) norway ) ) in just a couple of hours so it would have been nice to know .
21 A heavy snowfall can transform an easy walk into a serious proposition in just a matter of hours .
22 Mandy had warned her that storms came up fast on the lake , but nothing could have prepared her for blue skies being annihilated by black storm-clouds in just a matter of minutes .
23 GrandMet has lost a lot of froth since giving two warnings in just a month of less than fizzing profits .
24 A flow of records ensued , including a posthumous Sid Vicious album , Sid Sings , and sundry repackagings of those few songs which the group had actually recorded , wringing the cash cow dry , as Richard Branson later pointed out with some irony , ‘ in just the spirit of the Swindle Malcolm had always talked about ’ .
25 Even before he became king , Edward sent out some ninety-four letters to religious superiors asking for benefices , pensions and corrodies for his clerks , and in the course of his reign over four hundred and fifty requests for corrodies , addressed to over two hundred houses , have been counted in just the Calendar of Close Rolls ; between 1308 and 1327 Worcester priory received no fewer than fifty-one royal requests on behalf of royal servants .
26 The ways in which resources are partitioned are many , as , for example , on Barro Colorado Island where there are as many as eight variables of importance in just the food of coexisting ‘ surface-gleaning ’ bats .
27 Bureaucratic responsiveness in thus a matter of relations between institutions .
28 There is in both a sense of the elemental .
29 In both a change of ruler or minister often had drastic repercussions , particularly on the conduct of foreign policy .
30 Pre-exposure to a novel flavour normally results in both a reduction of neophobia and in a reduction of the ability of that flavour to serve as a CS in flavour-aversion conditioning .
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