Example sentences of "in [adv] [art] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone was in rather a hurry and I am always bad at catching people 's names .
2 Different kinds of opacity within a program were discussed earlier and these would seem to have quite different correlates in the sphere of consciousness : the lower level of language is almost totally inaccessible from the higher level ( unless special structural features are added to the language to make it accessible ) , in rather the way that the machine code of our brain , if there is one , is utterly inaccessible to me , thinking in English .
3 In much the way that field names can reveal traces of past languages and past land usage , and street names past social values , events , local features and benefactors , so can surnames — if carefully analysed — demonstrate racial and local origins , relationships , occupations , personal attributes and even ancient street cries .
4 It should also be noted that , in much the way that the period 25 December to 1 January is nowadays increasingly a ‘ holiday ’ but without religious content , so in medieval times the octave was an important festival and sometimes Christmas and Historical reckoning became uncertain in the dating of documents .
5 The English response to the pressure of war was to attempt to unify the system of government in much the way that Charles and James had tried .
6 In much the way that curriculum development and in-service education relinquished their dependence on centralised projects and courses and came to be focused on the particular contexts of schools , so also the preoccupation of project evaluation with theoretical models and procedures gave way to a practical need to solve concrete problems of educational practice in schools .
7 The eastern travels of Herodotus , who moved freely across the two thousand miles separating Babylon from Cyrene , were made possible by Persian indulgence and protection , in much the way that the evangelism of St Paul was facilitated by the Roman Peace .
8 have a capital programme in obviously the sense that it would be difficult to get that suggest .
9 Still , that 's what we all go for is n't it , to manfully plough through two foot deep mudholes in our be-trainered feet , to boldly stand in the pouring rain clad in only a T-shirt and to remain under canvas for three days whilst simultaneously holding both the tent and a beer can in a force nine gale !
10 At worst she would be out of here in only a day or two .
11 Put the phone down we 'll call you back in in just a second because i , we ca n't really make out what you 're saying .
12 In just a week or so , Antoinette wrote to Soeur Dosithée : she 's settled back in very well .
13 Mr we will show the jury in in just a moment but could you just tell us first of all what the card says , in general terms .
14 He can do so in just the way that he believes the totality of appearances can be interpreted without belief in ‘ substances ’ , or that there is no further significance to existence than that it is not a predicate .
15 When you plant a fertile meme in my mind you literally parasitize my brain , turning it into a vehicle for the meme 's propagation in just the way that a virus may parasitize the genetic mechanism of a host cell .
16 There is a set of genes involved in patterning the embryo , the homeobox genes ( Chapter 7 ) , which are expressed in the developing limb buds in just the Way that would suggest that they may encode positional information .
17 As generations followed the pattern of the maze , the earth energies may have illumined their forms in just the way that they may have done with the cup-and-ring marks and the pilgrims ' tracks .
18 That is not dependent on other things in just the way that ( 3 ) is dependent on other things .
19 Anyone in direct flesh contact with a wall or a floor would have been affected — sucked into the fabric of the building in just the way that Mr Devlin described . ’
20 Has he forgotten , in just an hour and a half , the pleasure that he gave to his own backwoodsmen by telling stories about multiple applications ?
21 We got here in just an hour and five minutes .
22 On a crowded traffic way he 'd have been dead in under a minute but the barren landscape of this world offered little in the way of obstacles and the vehicle seemed able to right itself over the irregular peaks that occasionally reared unexpectedly out of the mists .
23 The operation had apparently been quite straightforward ; Kirsty was home in under a week and back at work after a month , with no obvious after-effects .
24 He was delighted with all we 'd done to make the house habitable in under a week and greatly enjoyed partying with friends .
25 This state is characterised by a full differentiation of the individual as a person ( through the ego process ) from objects which can then be valued for their own sake and can be related with in both a giving and receiving fashion .
26 This can be a difficult time and the wife can be placed in both a counselling and cushioning role .
27 But the first comprehensive monograph on Keith Haring , edited by Germano Celant ( DM78 ) , as well as Andreas Franzke 's big up-to-date monograph on Antoni Tapies ( DM168 ) , and the complete catalogue of the nearly 200 works by Picasso in Picasso in the Ludwig collection ( Picasso — Die Sammlung Ludwig , DM108 ) all come out simultaneously in both a German and an English edition .
28 More precisely , the strategy meant the transformation of the material-technical basis of production , the improvement of social relations particularly in economic matters , and the development of ‘ man himself ’ in both a material and a spiritual sense .
29 If you are equally worried about giving birth in both a hospital and at home you might prefer something in the middle : Some hospitals allow women to use water pools in the labour ward and you can arrange for your GP to help with the birth rather than hospital doctors .
30 THE MAKING of Nice Work , David Lodge 's adapation for the BBC of his 1988 novel which divides between academia and industry , required extensive filming in both a foundry and a lecture hall .
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