Example sentences of "in [pron] [noun sg] on the " in BNC.

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1 I had wanted to curl up in my sleeping-bag on the ground .
2 I would like to present a petition standing my , in my name on the green order paper signed by two hundred and eight si signatures of parents of St Mary 's Fields s school , erm I move that this be be referred to the education committee for consideration .
3 I I move the petition in my name on the green order paper Chairman , to restrict the speed of of cars in Mossgate , Leicester on behalf of Weston Park Labour party .
4 My Lords , I beg leave to ask a question standing in my name on the order paper
5 My Lords , I beg leave to ask the question standing in my name on the Order Paper .
6 My Lords , I beg leave to ask the question standing in my name on the Order Paper .
7 to ask the question standing in my name on the order list .
8 My Lords , I beg to move motion standing in my name on the Order Paper .
9 My Lords , the move amendment which is down in my name on the Order Paper , I do have to apologise Your Lordships , to your Lordships , if th if it 's meaning is not immediately clear , even to the keen minds which are present in Your Lordship 's House .
10 So if the president of my company calls from Allentown and says Ricky I 'd like to see you in my office on the thirtieth , I do n't say I 'm sorry Steve , it 's catch up day , I say what time would be convenient for you Sir , because you know , otherwise I , I 'd be looking for a job .
11 I can hardly stand up at the best of times — which is n't surprising when the only ice I 'm interested in is in my Scotch on the rocks !
12 I stayed in my room on the eighth floor for most of the day , just waiting .
13 This container was filled with water , and I was carefully placed in my boat on the water .
14 In my view on the facts as found by the judge this issue does not arise since she was not able to make a genuine decision .
15 In my report on the Money Advice Liaison Group conference ( ‘ Life beyond debt — a common goal ’ , Credit Management , May 1991 ) I described in detail the standard Financial Statement launched at that conference by Anthony Sharp of the CCTA .
16 I run outside and hide behind a hedge then wake up laughing , 'cos I 'm out there in my underwear on the street .
17 This is , in fact , exactly the topic that I 'm going to be addressing in my lecture on the Open Day .
18 This culminated in their gaffe on the Comrade 's birthday in 1989 when Scînteia carried a telegram of birthday greetings from the Queen which was promptly denied by the British Government .
19 In their work on the Labour Spain Committee they conclude :
20 There has consequently been a much greater emphasis in their work on the study of animals in the wild , on the differences between species , and on the adaptive significance of behaviour .
21 For instance , Lioy and Daisey ( 1987 ) , in their work on the monitoring of toxic air pollution in New Jersey , construct what they term a ‘ microinventory ’ for each of three towns , comprising the locations of chemical plants , metal processing plants , paint spray manufacturers and so on .
22 There were few evaluations of successful innovation which matched , for instance , the clarity of Warburton and Southgate ( 1969 ) in their work on the initial teaching alphabet .
23 To take the latter first , the New Critics clearly come very close to the Formalists and the Prague School in the importance they attach to the ideas of structure and interrelatedness ( they even occasionally called themselves formalists ) , and in their insistence on the objective character of criticism and the distinction of the author and the reader from the text .
24 The Bolsheviks were merciless in their attack on the government for frustrating the movement for self-determination , which they interpreted as the right to secede , to create a new State , and to do it through the direct action of the peoples concerned without awaiting the approval of the central Government .
25 While sociological explanations vary considerably in their emphasis on the different factors within the social structure which can be linked with crime , there is a general acceptance of social forces as causing or influencing criminal behaviour .
26 Fewer than a quarter of 500 men questioned in the survey knew how to do up a bow tie and under half knew the name of the knot in their tie on the day they were interviewed .
27 On 18 August 1991 Antonio Palacios Urrea , three of his children and his son-in-law were shot dead by soldiers in their home on the outskirts of Fusagasugá , Cundinamarca department .
28 He had told his wife that morning over breakfast in their bungalow on the edge of Barashevo and within faint sight of the outer wooden fence of Zone I , that he stood to gain a great prize … not tomorrow , not next week , but he had time , he had months of time to break this bastard .
29 In front of him the torpid lizards stirred in their cage on the picture box .
30 Damian asked during a lull in their lovemaking on the second day .
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