Example sentences of "in [pron] [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 ( This is a borderline case between normal and deviant justification , or rather it points to one of the many ambiguities in my formulation of the normal justification thesis . )
2 I have already given one example of how this can happen , in my description of the induction of a lens by the eye cup .
3 In my ignorance of the situation , however , I conjectured that in these times of diminishing reactor safety research budgets , there might have to be a choice on the part of some countries between the two projects — but , ‘ tremendous hindrance ’ !
4 He adored her and never once complained in my presence of the fact that he always had to attend shul on his own .
5 I included quite clearly in my re-issue of the research approvals form er , the covering letter that went with it , saying you know , here 's an example of suggestion that makes your life easier , please keep them coming .
6 There is no doubt that the advent of the motor car and the provision of better roads — although in my part of the world we would argue strongly for road improvement mean that people exercise greater personal choice .
7 ‘ I 'd be grateful if you could spare time for a fitting , and I did think it would be a good idea if I could hold a rehearsal of everyone concerned in my part of the show before the official one .
8 As an example of corruption , I cited the case of a châtelaine in my part of the world who had applied for , and received , a number of supplementary petrol coupons ( which were by no means easy to obtain ) for attending a committee-meeting held in her own drawing-room .
9 Does my hon. Friend agree that in the meantime we could so something to improve the A13 , because it carries major freight from Ford at Dagenham , from Tilbury docks and from Shell Haven , all of which involve developing industries in my part of the country ?
10 In my part of the country — the county which I represent in part is not the only one in this position — Labour-controlled local authorities are still adamantly refusing to release the data to the general public .
11 The people in my part of the world , and I believe in the United Kingdom as a whole , are weary of the bitterness and frustration that the poll tax has brought .
12 In my part of the world , therefore , the Labour party is agreeing not with the hon. Gentleman , but with the Conservative party .
13 Increases in the costs of transport , housing and health charges and other costs for food , heating and clothing , are becoming unbearable for retired people in my part of the world .
14 in my part of the world .
15 Does he think they will lead to further unemployment and does he think they 'll have enough the effect of increasing unemployment in my part of the United Kingdom ?
16 In my part of the world , which is north east England and especially County Durham , nobody much really believes all this talk about an industrial and economic recovery which will be so strong and so widespread that most people will be back in the sort of jobs they used to have , providing they get the necessary training .
17 I am personally impressed and encouraged by what is going on in some of the hardest hit areas in my part of the world and by a series of what you might call chance accident , we 've actually got a sign on it on the platform here .
18 In my rejection of the image I saw I was making a statement , the apparent text of which read , ‘ I do n't want to look like ( be ) that . ’
19 In my translation of the ‘ Nightingale ’ fairy tale , the word ‘ Chinaman ’ has been deleted from my original text , which read : ‘ I suppose you know that in China the emperor 's a Chinaman …
20 The central question in my reading of the novel , concerning the philosophical definition of humanity , empathy and memory , is virtually absent from Scott 's film .
21 Mark , whom I have already quoted in my discussion of the lab work , was a final-year student at A who , although he had obtained A level grades of AAAB , eventually failed his degree .
22 I was delighted to read in my copy of The Artist which arrived today , of Mr Sherrington Legg 's connection with Hayward Veal ( Readers ' Forum ) .
23 I might not have known exactly what rationalism was but it was nevertheless deeply engrained in my picture of the world .
24 For what it may be worth , if I am wrong in my application of the neighbourhood test so that the disturbance has to be judged by pre-planning permission standards , I would have found that the heavy goods vehicles going to and from each of the fourth and fifth defendant 's operations constituted a material disturbance to the residents at night .
25 Having previously accepted the fact that the steam governor regulates the flow of steam , and having used this fact in my understanding of the behaviour of the whole engine , I now turn my curiosity on the steam governor itself .
26 I have already hinted , in my account of the reductive steps the group employed , that a variety of experimentally or theoretically inconvenient processes that also occurred during the behaviour , such as a contribution of the peripheral nervous system , and some of the polysynaptic inputs onto the motor neuron , were dissected away and no longer taken into consideration .
27 In my analysis of the social and intellectual divisions at the party , it had never occurred to me to question where I stood myself .
28 ( b ) I do not accept that quasi-contractual claims , even where a contract is involved , are properly to be treated as falling per se within article 5(1) , having regard both to the general considerations I have already advanced in my analysis of the cases such as Peters [ 1983 ] E.C.R. 987 , and also because it is difficult to locate a place of performance for a quasi-contractual obligation .
29 It is this principle that forms the central consideration in my example of the stylistics of embellishment , Auerbach 's Mimesis , and I shall explain it further shortly .
30 The copy of the same tune that is printed in my volume of The Scottish Student 's Song Book is unlikely to last much longer .
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