Example sentences of "in [adj] when [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The town was an important Roman centre and the cathedral incorporates a Roman building which occupied the site in 1019 when the cathedral was begun ( 334 ) .
2 ‘ In London , in 1934 when the knowledge of the power of the atom was a dream in very few minds , ’ Dr Tariq said , ‘ there was a Hungarian refugee .
3 It began in 1756 when a fellow of the Royal Society called James Dodson had a problem .
4 The earliest mention of the church is in 1115 when the church and titles were given to the Abbey of St Martin in York .
5 Although the actual game has been going for over 65 years there was a slight change made in 1943 when the event became a charity match to raise funds for the specific purpose of the prevention of blindness .
6 But perhaps the biggest thing in popular music took place in 1948 when the LP was introduced ; an innovation of immense importance for the industry and public alike , and not least for Leonard who set about acquiring an enviable collection .
7 There were times in 1971 when the crowd became quite bad-mannered , for example clapping when Lee missed a putt .
8 It is relevant that these districts are large , in some cases similar to old counties , and that rural areas contained negligible numbers of oil workers in 1971 when the energy industry was not a census category .
9 ‘ This all started in 1986 when a handful of residents got together and decided to take action to get better homes .
10 A similar attitude was shown in 1986 when the Law Lords stated that the Trustee Savings Bank and its assets belonged not to depositors but to the state , shortly before the Bank was floated on the Stock Exchange .
11 This means that the cities of France are under-represented and there is a considerable right-wing majority , three-quarters in 1986 when the rest of France voted 52 per cent for the right .
12 The town has many picturesque corners and interesting buildings although it sustained much damage by fire in 1799 when the town was fought over by French , Austrian and Russian armies .
13 The same thing happened in Strasbourg in 1114 when a mob feared clerical lenience towards a heretic and took matters into their own hands .
14 It 's the same late '60s Jag and the same Twin that he had in 1980 when The Birthday Party first broke .
15 A major change was made in 1980 when the policy of the Department of Health and Social Security in administering supplementary benefit was reduced to detailed secondary legislation , so that the supplementary benefit scheme is now as rooted in statutory provisions as the national insurance benefits .
16 At Rosario the role of the station in civic pride was confirmed in 1925 when the foundation stone for a new station was laid to commemorate the bicentennial of the founding of the city .
17 Thus in 1802 when a group of spahis called on the Serbs to join them in resisting the dayis very few Serbs responded .
18 Therefore in 1879 when the Company were solicited by the Charity Commissioners to nominate some of the Governors under the new Scheme they declined to do so .
19 In 1471 the Neville share passed to Gloucester , with Warwick 's tail male lands , and he also took possession of the remaining third in 1472 when the reversion fell in .
20 In 1471 the Neville share passed to Gloucester , with Warwick 's tail male lands , and he also took possession of the remaining third in 1472 when the reversion fell in .
21 Both in 1780 when a divergence between metropolitan radicals and Wyvill 's gentry in the county associations was evident and in 1793–4 with the calling of a British and then an English Convention , the contradictory potentialities of the convention were part of the substance of debate amongst participants .
22 BBC Radio Cleveland will again be presenting a Lent Course in 1993 when the theme will consider the ‘ Beatitudes ’ .
23 The saga began in 1985 when a report by the Property Services Agency ( which maintains Crown property ) highlighted the serious corrosion of the spire .
24 They peaked in 1985 when a record 191,000 petitions for divorce were filed .
25 Unlike the era of the Plaza Accord in 1985 when the surplus with the US was the main agenda , criticism is flaring not only from Washington but also from other nations .
26 In 1294 when the king demanded a half of their incomes from the clergy , a half based upon the revised valuation of 1291 , Canterbury was vacant , and York and Durham were occupied by royal servants .
27 A further change occurred in 1804–5 when the firm 's style was altered to Rundell , Bridge & Rundell following the senior partner 's nephew , Edmond Waller Rundell ( 1768 ? –1857 ) , son of Maria Eliza Rundell [ q.v. ] , being admitted into the business .
28 There was the occasion in 1979 when a valve malfunctioned and was ingeniously fixed up with a handy piece of angle iron .
29 Exiled abroad for opposing the 1964 military coup , Prestes returned to Brazil from Moscow in 1979 when the ban on opposition parties was lifted .
30 ‘ On a personal note , in 1991 when the Board nominated me and the shareholders elected me to the chairmanship , I indicated that I would serve in this capacity for two years and oversee the rationalisation and turnaround of the Waterford and Wedgwood businesses .
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