Example sentences of "in [adj] time [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I remember the books which I read in that time with a great love .
2 From this history , it can therefore be seen that the scope , size and shape of the Burston site has altered considerably in that time as a result of the £4 million that has been spent over that period .
3 ( ceased to be a member of the Institute on 14 July 1992 for failing to pay the Disciplinary Committee fine and costs in due time under the terms of Bye-law 41 . )
4 If the receiver of the gift can not respond in due time with a ‘ counter-gift ’ ( counter gifts can not be given too soon after gifts , because this would imply a logic of calculation which would deplete the symbolic force of the exchange ) then the giver is in a position of creditor and the receiver in one of debtor .
5 Fashions in dress and diet , ceremonies and customs , art and architecture , engineering and technology , all evolve in historical time in a way that looks like highly speeded up genetic evolution , but has really nothing to do with genetic evolution .
6 Rain had obviously driven in some time during the night and the dried splashes were clearly visible on the tiled floor .
7 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man : but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost . ’ ( v. 20/21 ) .
8 With a mischievous grin on his face , he gyrated his lean anatomy under Janet 's neat little posterior in perfect time with the bucking machine .
9 Amen ’ he added , in perfect time with the congregation .
10 They moved nothing except their eyes , but they moved in perfect time to the footsteps , marking the position , flicking backwards and forwards as the human crossed the room above .
11 Bell 's application of the methodology of sociolinguistics in real time to an extensive body of written and broadcast data suggests an interesting and practicable way of studying the gradual diffusion of a linguistic change from an identifiable point of influence .
12 Employee detail records are updated and enquired upon in real time via a single Visual Display Unit in the Personnel Office .
13 Whatever , we have a unique oportunity for discussing Leeds , in real time throughout the World .
14 The 1980 Epsom Derby was won in fast time by the horse Henbit .
15 Sometimes it helps if the person who is holding the horse , pats the horse on the neck in exact time to the farrier hammering on its foot — especially if it is the actual hammering that worries the horse the most .
16 The Rugby Clubs of Wales hit the bookstalls in good time for the All Blacks ' tour .
17 And I will endeavour to do so in good time for the Swiss conference . ’
18 These plans were duly put into effect , and the new building was ready for opening in good time for the celebrations .
19 One great field , lying to the east and north-east of the town , had been enclosed in 1764 — in good time for the population increase — and the town proceeded to grow comfortably in that direction .
20 I arrived at the station in good time for the train but I did n't have to wait more than three or four minutes and I was in London at ten to eleven .
21 But the UN force in Namibia should have been up to handling the affair rather than turn the job over to the South Africans ; it would have been able to cope if it had been as strong as originally intended and deployed in good time with a decent plan in its knapsack .
22 Alan had asked me to arrive in good time with the Registration of Death certificate and , equally important apparently , the cheque , without which the cremation could not take place .
23 Marxism came in good time to the Socialist Workers ' party after study , after reading the books from Europe , from international contacts , from the travels of our comrades , from the contact with the Communist International .
24 A visit before the interview can also act as a dummy run to help you get there in good time on the day itself .
25 Since the first of January this year safety representatives have been given legal rights to be con consulted and I quote in good time regarding the following one any measure which substantially affects the health and safety of employees two the arrangements for appointing specialist staff three any health and safety information circulated to employees four the planning and organization of any health and safety training and five , the introduction of new technologies .
26 Ministers are , significantly , confident that an upturn can be achieved in good time before the next election .
27 Of course , the various families of homoclinic orbits to the origin can not cross ( at any point in parameter space the two trajectories which tend in backward time to the origin are unique and can be part of at most one homoclinic orbit ) and the dotted lines representing homoclinic orbits to the points also can not cross ( for similar reasons ) .
28 Evidence of change in progress is often provided by systematic differences in apparent time of the kind shown in table 5.2 ; that is , differences between generation cohorts .
29 It can act as an inspection tool , for instance to determine whether the design of postage stamps is correct ; alternatively , the computer can feed instructions about the shape of objects to a robot in enough time for the machine to pick it up .
30 The direction or signal by the officer should be given clearly and in sufficient time for the defendant to stop .
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