Example sentences of "in [adj] [subord] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 But under the impact of this pressure Parliament belatedly passed the long-delayed Criminal Law Amendment Act which attempted to suppress brothels , raised the age of consent for girls to sixteen , and introduced in Section 11 new penalties against male homosexual behaviour — significantly both in private as well as in public .
2 The new offence requires that the conduct be used ‘ towards another person ’ which the old offence did not , there is a different mental element , violence replaces breach of the peace , and the new offence can be committed in private as well as in public .
3 This is not positively expressed to be the law , unlike section 18 , which expressly provides that the offence may take place in private as well as in public , and affords a private dwelling exemption .
4 Complaining that the grass-roots party cadres had been excluded from decision-making , the Peking Daily called for new emphasis on the party 's role in economic as well as political matters : ‘ If the party only controls the party then it would no longer be a political class party but an amateur group for the masses , or a kind of club . ’
5 Before the visit Walesa had said : " We are not coming to beg , … but this revolution we pilot must be successful — in economic as well as political terms . "
6 Some of these carry toxic cargoes and an accident could result in economic as well as ecological damage .
7 The people of Central America have been paying the price of war in emotional as well as material currency .
8 Aid to depressed regions should be seen in regional as well as national terms : regional recovery is part of , and it assists national recovery , for it utilises the reserves of idle labour .
9 The Cores are defined in such a way as to embrace the entire built-up area of the main settlement and therefore include the contiguous suburbs as they existed in 1971 as well as the inner city areas ( see Champion et al . ,
10 The clip is dual-purpose in that as well as holding the slate in position , it also secures it against wind uplift which is a possible cause of the original slippage .
11 Tokenism , as this ‘ women 's season ’ showed , can be useful in that as well as making a gesture towards ‘ minority ’ interest it at the same time betokened the absence of women 's film on television which it sought to undo .
12 That 's where it all comes confusing cos there is things in there which still ascertains the shock in that as well as the other
13 I 've sent them a big consignment of wine , I 'm in that as well as the grocery , and I 'd love to know how it 's selling . "
14 Milk distribution would work in the same way in that as long as the milk is put into the system at one point , it does not matter where it is taken out . ’
15 The dual nature of disciplines , as bodies of knowledge and bodies of people , means that the difficulties of interdisciplinary work often take a concrete rather than abstract form ( Squires 1975 ; Levin and Lind 1985 ) Even when academics espouse ‘ construct ’ views of knowledge , they may find it difficult , in indefinable as well as definable ways , to work together in cross-disciplinary teams .
16 people in rural as well as urban areas stay away from clinics and hospitals where reductions in normal attendance of 50 to 80 per cent are frequent ( because of the charges introduced ) .
17 Eating disorders are common in rural as well as urban settings .
18 I started lecturing at a college of higher education in 1978 but returned to research and soft money in 1980 as soon as my husband had left .
19 In fact they are well-attested then ( in descriptive as well as prescriptive evidence ) only in Charles 's kingdom , especially in Francia and Burgundy , but also in Aquitaine .
20 The return of the Conservative Party to power in 1979 simply accelerated the collapse of regional policies ; they were now seen as unhelpful both in theoretical as well as pragmatic terms .
21 But there are further reasons for his choice of qualifier , and they involve Davie in cultural as well as literary criticism .
22 He is dressed in expensive clothing and drives a new car : Judy Gomez refers to him as a pimp , thus indicating his involvement in sexual as well as social exploitation .
23 Where interviewers are centrally grouped they can be called together for a briefing session , when any queries can be raised and dealt with on the spot , but where large organizations have interviewers scattered about the country this may be a counsel of perfection , although peripatetic fieldwork supervisors do invaluable work in this as well as other areas .
24 In free as well as in pauper apprenticeship corporal punishment was allowed within reason , and the treatment of the " chimney boys " was as notorious as that of the factory children , for in both cases youngsters were being consigned to labour in conditions in which few parents would willingly have placed them .
25 On April 6 the European Communities ( EC ) Foreign Ministers agreed to lift the EC oil embargo imposed in 1985 as well as all remaining bans on sporting , scientific and cultural links .
26 In the case of archival acquisitions , the Library aims to acquire material of value to the ‘ national heritage ’ ( a definition subject to continual review ) , in electronic as well as other forms .
27 Budgets should show variances between actual and budgeted performance ( ideally in quantitative as well as financial terms , whenever possible ) ;
28 It shows they could exist in WARM as well as COLD climates .
29 Such differences may explain differences in content as well as the nature and distribution of power in British society .
30 The amount used on cooking is high in absolute as well as in relative terms .
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