Example sentences of "in [adj] area [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from the small number of houses in rural areas where water is obtained from a suitable private source like a spring , mountain stream or well , most water is provided through pipes which are called ‘ mains ’ .
2 As my hon. Friend the Member for Dartford said , in an intervention in the speech of the hon. Member for Truro ( Mr. Taylor ) , not only will it help parents to choose in those parts of the country where choice is practicable because transport is readily available , but , even in rural areas where choice is difficult , it will , for the first time , give parents better means to influence schools because they will be able to see , set out objectively , the performance of those schools .
3 By devising an oral rehydration solution made from home ingredients , the problem of cost was ( partially at least ) solved , as was the problem of supplying pre-packaged Oral Rehydration Salts to a population 92% of whom lived in rural areas where transportation was generally very poor .
4 Particular attention will be paid to forwarding agents in inland areas where route choices via seaports could be expected to be at a maximum : ie the Midlands in England , eastern France , south-western Federal Republic of Germany , and Switzerland .
5 If an earthquake happens in , let us say , Timbuctoo , and it is a very strong earthquake which shakes erm towns in surrounding areas perhaps sort of fifty miles away erm that is clearly a disaster of one sort or another .
6 In all areas where evidence of sites can be found , the pattern is clear and dense , suggesting , in fact , that this is probably the case over the whole area .
7 More than enough work for at least one such practitioner must have existed in most towns , as there would have been for slaters , tilers and masons in those areas where building stone was in regular use .
8 B8 ) as depending upon the universal tendency towards adjustment of form and process ; to direct investigation towards the essentially multivariate character of geomorphic phenomena ; to admit a more liberal view of morphological changes with time to include the possibility of non-significant or non-progressive changes of certain aspects of landscape form through time ; to foster a dynamic approach to geomorphology to complement the historical one ; to focus upon the whole landscape assemblage rather than upon those parts assumed to have evolutionary significance ; to encourage geomorphic investigations in those areas where evidence for erosional history may be deficient ; and to direct attention to the heterogeneity of spatial organization .
9 In the case of Japan , writers such as Fox ( 1980 ) stress that long-term planning based on market research has been vital in those areas where innovation , and not just importation , of technology has occurred in Japan , such as the consumer electronics industry .
10 Yet , as we shall see , the last few years have witnessed a remarkable upsurge in research in those areas where quantification is possible , such as strike activity and its determinants ( see Chapter 6 ) .
11 In those areas where unemployment was endemic , the NUWM was able to establish roots in the community and to establish a legitimacy as a political movement which usually evaded the Communist Party .
12 Nothing is more vulnerable to tangling than loose-hanging net and great care must be taken to clear away any potential snags — and particularly in those areas where bramble , twigs , stalks and other debris have been trimmed to construct the ride in the first place .
13 That will be staged in the United States , with stadiums designated in those areas where soccer is strongest , like California .
14 In those areas where rain falls seldom , it falls in torrents , rarely in the summer months , on skeletal , degenerate soils poor in humus ; they can retain no moisture and the thin covering of earth is readily swept away .
15 Foaming water is evidence of the presence of detergent — though paradoxically the more water foams the cleaner it is , an important clue in industrial areas where river water almost always looks dirty .
16 In some cases 100 per cent would be levied , but in others a lower rate would be more appropriate in order to encourage development ‘ on account of economic conditions in the country generally , or in particular areas where unemployment is above the average ’ , or where it was important to secure ‘ a particular piece of development now , instead of in , say , twenty years ’ .
17 Firms from two or more member states can form an EEIG in any area where co-operation appears useful — e.g. purchasing , research and development , marketing or tendering — and registration confers full legal capacity to operate throughout the Community .
18 In other areas where competition for limited places is more acute , possession of the ‘ normal minimum admission standards ’ may not be enough to secure admission , eg in the Faculties of Law , Medicine and Veterinary Medicine , or in certain pressure areas in the Social Sciences such as Psychology .
19 In other areas where community charge is not such a factor you do n't get it .
20 The four roll-on , roll-off military ferries have specially strengthened vehicle decks and are designed to put tanks and other armoured vehicles ashore on beaches in remote areas where landing docks and slipways are not available .
21 In two areas where unemployment was particularly high the farm , even though providing little or no financial return , was seen as an important factor in keeping the male school leavers occupied thereby fulfilling an important social function .
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