Example sentences of "in [verb] the [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Can you please return this to stock for use in completing the next order ?
2 He succeeded in producing the first development plan for Athens since it was liberated from the Turks , but in 1984 he was forced to resign over his proposal for establishing a green belt by bulldozing illegal slums in the suburbs .
3 These and even later attempts to resurrect ‘ planning ’ , especially economic planning , raise the basic difficulty in seeing the Second World War as the planners ' triumph .
4 In applying the second limb of the merits test , the Royal Commission felt that the relevant criteria should be :
5 For example , in applying the first criterion — logicality — belief in God is held by religious people to be more than a matter of logic .
6 Jenny Pitman 's Do Be Brief stepped onto a racecourse for the first time in the first division of the Christmas Pudding Novice Hurdle and made quite an impression in beating Sailor 's Luck , but not half as big as his stable-companion Egypt Mill , who looked something special in landing the second division by 10 lengths .
7 Thank you Mr Gordon erm you stated I think in your opening , I think y your opening statement , can you confirm that the two year delay has in gaining the first flight has been in actually gaining the flight control system er certified for flight .
8 The internal changes in productive post-artisanal relations in literature are especially significant in understanding the next market phase .
9 In becoming the first country to shun the Springboks , the Welsh not only turned about face from their decision of five years ago , but also brought the advent of a professional rugby circus in the Republic that bit closer .
10 So I 'm impressed by Marie Radcliffe 's wonderful effort in becoming the first woman to win the Parachute Regiment 's red beret .
11 In becoming the first trainer to reach that unlikely statistic , Pipe qualifies as a consummate organiser , supreme in attracting owners to send horses to his prolific winner-making factory .
12 In addition , three seminars for general SVQ co-ordinators from schools , colleges , and other centres involved in piloting the first batch of awards have been arranged for March .
13 he was a ‘ principal doer ’ in promoting the first voyage to Muscovy of 1553 , a founder and active member of the Russia Company , and a promoter of voyages to West Africa in 1553 and 1554 .
14 In writing the last line use has been made of identities such as which result from changing a repeated suffix , in this case .
15 Abercrombie followed Unwin in advocating the second alternative for the two outer rings , and in fact his plan put great store on both the scenic aspect of regional open space and the detailed design which would knit the whole together into a continuous system by footpaths , riverside walks and bridleways .
16 The US government as such has no interest in rendering the Third World unable to feed itself .
17 Thousands of Latin American Indians and their supporters staged demonstrations on Oct. 12 across a range of Latin American countries from Mexico to Chile , and succeeded in turning the 500th anniversary of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas from a celebration to a reflection of the current plight of the 40,000,000-strong indigenous population .
18 In describing the first wave of mining in Ireland , this chapter will concentrate on the experience of Tynagh Mines .
19 RESIDENTS of Crozier House Home in Banbridge joined today in celebrating the 100th birthday of their most senior colleague , Alex Cairns .
20 In celebrating the fourth centenary of the voyage of Columbus , the United States was marking , as exhibitions often do , a new phase in its national development .
21 Von Gallwitz was a talented artillerist , having been the Inspector General of the Field Artillery just before the war , and more recently had added to his lustre in leading the Eleventh Army to victory in Serbia .
22 Now I will give my pledge Mr Mayor that if and when the situation arises that a full service is required and needed , it will get my full support , er I hope it 's not , but if it should arise I would have no hesitation in supporting the second part of the amendment .
23 While the Anglo-American partnership was vital but unequal in maintaining the First and Second Pillars of grand strategy , Britain was expected to go it alone in supporting the Third Pillar , which was an essentially British requirement that had little to do with the Americans or the North Atlantic Alliance .
24 The new matrix is symmetric , since both its i , jth and j , ith elements are unity ; moreover , its determinant is -1 , since in moving the jth row to the ith position unc we cross j — i rows ; but the original ith row is now the i + 1th and so in taking it to the jth position we cross j — i — 1 rows .
25 In considering the first issue , the court of [ England ] should approach the matter by giving the fullest force to the policy which clearly underlies the Convention and the Act , namely that wrongful removal or retention shall not confer any benefit or advantage on the person ( usually a parent ) who has committed the wrongful act .
26 In considering the first issue , the court of country B should approach the matter by giving the fullest force to the policy which clearly underlies the Convention and the Act , namely that wrongful removal or retention shall not confer any benefit or advantage on the person ( usually a parent ) who has committed the wrongful act .
27 Finally , in criticizing the Fourth Republic 's subservience not only in the Atlantic Alliance but also in the emerging institutions of European cooperation , de Gaulle defined more clearly ( though far from unambiguously ) his own vision of European unification .
28 In emphasising the last word he wanted her to realise that he was as cynical about the ultimate behaviour of any Government Department , of any shade of political persuasion , as she was .
29 I understood him to reproach us for being slow in commissioning the fourth vessel .
30 The Congress had on the previous day voted ( by 1,542 to 368 , with 76 abstentions ) to waive the provision for a direct election , assessing that the " difficult " situation in the country was likely to render any delay in installing the first President a " grave political mistake " .
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