Example sentences of "in [verb] [pron] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Speaking as a man who rather enjoys cover compilations — and remembers with gratitude the ‘ NME 's role in bringing us The Fall 's ‘ A Day In The Life ’ — I have to concede that the normal response to such collections is a powerful yearning to hear the originals again .
2 There would also be related difficulties in quantifying what the company had lost as a result of board passivity .
3 The gods saw no solution and were steadfast in denying him the solace of their lies .
4 Since the conventions offer an imperfect guide to the subject at hand , it is necessary to look at some of the other types of sources which are generally recognised as being useful in establishing what the law is , and in relating it to specific situations and technical developments .
5 A hearing may be adjourned if either you or the Council say anything to the Committee , or produce something in writing which the other did not know about beforehand , and it is so important that you or the Council want time to think about it before proceeding .
6 This of course poses a problem in writing which the author recognizes while deciding on separate chapters for each aspect .
7 In saving themselves the Bravoes had saved George as well although only from the consequences not the horror .
8 People have got to be involved in solving themselves the problems themselves .
9 The problem lies in deciding what the relationship is between and ; since we do not usually pause between words , there is no silence ( or external open juncture ) to indicate word division and to justify the space left in the transcription .
10 However , it is clear that , in deciding what the words used in an exclusion clause mean , the court can and will take account of the other provisions of the contract ; the clause must be interpreted in its context .
11 Since theory is involved in deciding what the facts are , there is room for choice when deciding whether the theory at stake is consistent with them .
12 The most frequently visible research is into the size and composition of the audience for specific programmes and commercial breaks , as a guide to the planner in selecting spot times and in evaluating what the schedule has achieved ; there is also research into the viewing patterns of the TV audience , to provide the basic data from which cumulative audiences and viewing frequencies can be calculated ; and research into audience behaviour and attention — when the research says that they are watching your commercial , what are they actually doing ?
13 Though our reason may fail us in discovering moral truths , it need not in verifying what the Bible says .
14 I hoped my action in sending him the book would place him under a sense of obligation .
15 I have pleasure in sending you the Programme for the 1982–83 Q.T. days .
16 Petri often quoted the older man 's opinion : ‘ He called me his most genuine pupil and tried everything to further me , recommended me to managers and conductors , sent to me all the pupils he did not want to take , and was instrumental in getting me the appointment of Professor of Piano at the Royal College of Manchester , England , where I remained from 1905 to 1911 ’ .
17 For example , in Pass me the sugar the referent ( ie the sugar on the table in front of you ) is identifiable on extralinguistic grounds .
18 A female friend of mine used a particularly effective trick for discouraging men who persisted in giving her the eye on trains or buses .
19 The right hon. Member for Manchester , Gorton ( Mr. Kaufman ) and his team are always ingenious in defending whatever the policy of the moment is ; it is just that that policy is changed so often that it leaves a little bit of a question mark over whether they have any plan or direction at all .
20 The nature of the decision may well be taken into account in determining what the content of natural justice should be in a particular instance , but the utility of the administrative , judicial , executive , legislative distinctions over and beyond this is difficult to perceive .
21 The problem lies in determining what the standards shall be .
22 In reading it the cruelty is just about balanced by the extreme beauty of the lyrics and much of the dialogue , so that the total effect , tho ’ sinister , like a too bright dream which is sure to turn into nightmare before the end , yet is bearable .
23 Big manufacturers too often lag behind in knowing what the public wants in spite of their marketing departments .
24 Boutros Ghali 's fluency in French , acquired as a student at the Sorbonne in Paris , was decisive in winning him the support of France which had reportedly threatened to veto a non-French-speaking candidate .
25 The Agia Triadha sarcophagus is invaluable in showing us the funeral ceremonies that were offered for some important person around 1400 BC .
26 ‘ They 'll know because I shall take great pleasure in telling everyone the truth ! ’
27 No harm in telling you the story , I guess .
28 Notice , though , that while flow figures are useful in telling us the directions in which companies channel the funds they received , they do not tell us how active intermediaries are in any particular market .
29 It is effective chiefly in defence , since in delivering it the karateka presents only the side of his body to his opponent , thereby protecting all his vital areas .
30 It is at this stage that the various approaches — use of quality adjusted life years , lotteries , sanctity of life — may be useful , but in discussing them the authors raise a series of straw men .
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