Example sentences of "in [noun] call for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Members of Halton Friends of the Earth have been urging people in Runcorn to call for a public inquiry into ICI 's plan for an incinerator there .
2 Faced with such evidence , supermarkets are clamouring for information to label their goods ’ environmentally sound ’ , and there is an Early Day Motion in Parliament calling for a ’ chlorine free ’ paper industry ( Sweden already makes 95% of its soft paper without the aid of chlorine ) .
3 On Oct. 23 , during a demonstration in Mogadishu calling for the release of political prisoners and protesting against high food prices , two civilians and one policeman were killed and 36 civilians wounded following violent clashes between protesters and police .
4 It was a view which in essence called for a confederal or intergovernmental mould , rather closer perhaps to the British stand than to the vision of Monnet or Spaak .
5 * The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has launched a report in Brussels calling for a radical overhaul of the Common Agricultural Policy .
6 On Dec. 7 , 1989 , MPs belonging to the Western European Union ( WEU ) unanimously endorsed a report in Paris calling for an end to many of the restrictions on sensitive Western technology exports to former communist countries .
7 On Nov. 3 , the 60th anniversary of Student Day , 15,000 students staged another violent demonstration in Seoul calling for the resignation of Roh and for the repeal of the National Security Act ( NSA ) .
8 The local parliament in Sevastopol called for a political settlement and said the row strengthened its resolve to seek complete autonomy for Crimea .
9 As a consequence , petitions flowed in to the National Assembly from all the local councils in France calling for a constitutional revision , but the majority in the Assembly rejected the appeals .
10 The conduct of pedagogic research as I have defined it here presupposes attitudes and approaches to techniques of teaching which are developed only through an educational perspective and this in turn calls for a continuous programme of in-service support .
11 The 10th anniversary on May 4 of the death of Josip Broz Tito , the founder of communist Yugoslavia , was marked by a minute 's silence throughout the country , but also by a demonstration by around 2,000 Serbs in Belgrade calling for an end to the personality cult surrounding Tito and for his remains to be moved from Belgrade to his native Croatia .
12 In Scotland , the STUC will hold a demonstration outside Old St Andrew 's House in Edinburgh calling for the creation of real jobs and rejecting the concept of what it calls ‘ forced labour for the unemployed ’ , or workfare , as suggested recently by the Prime Minister , John Major .
13 This , however , has been felt to be rather ironical since , although he is critical of idealism and maintains a formal commitment to empirical rationalism , it is Hobhouse who in fact calls for the greater degree of state intervention .
14 On May 30 , students at the University of Zimbabwe in Harare called for the formation of a mass democratic movement to campaign against the establishment of a one-party state , claiming support from elements within the ZANU-PF central committee and the Cabinet .
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