Example sentences of "in [noun] [to-vb] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is why my family sacrificed a nice life in Tenerife to come back to the cold of Britain four years ago .
2 This kind of specialist service has , solicitor James Whelan believes , made the difference between success and failure for himself and his wife in finding an ideal base in Devon to come back to from Dubai , where they lived since 1985 .
3 You are very kind to have thought of him and when I gave him your kiss he gave me a hundred in return to pass on to you believing I could and indeed I wish he was correct in his supposition .
4 But they are very much aware that they were forced to train and work in London , with no permanent dance companies in Merseyside to come back to .
5 Mr Skinner said Mr Lilley should come to the House to answer questions over ‘ the £4,000 bill the taxpayer is having to foot for him flying from his holiday cottage in France to come back to Britain ’ .
6 In 1922 Parma became the last city in Italy to give in to Mussolini , and then only after violent fighting Oltre Torrente .
7 In order to hold on to what is most important to them it is as if the courting couple enter into an unconscious agreement with each other not to expose differences , even if this results in negating themselves .
8 Each user has a unique username and a password which must be used in order to log on to the network .
9 This is done first by examining the analytics of the cost and demand sides , the subject of this chapter , and then concentrating more on the internal structure of the firm ( in chapter 3 ) , in order to move on to the question of efficiency .
10 A corporation may get into a certain line of business as a short-term objective simply in order to generate cash-flow , a customer base or a better price-earnings ratio in order to move on to something quite different .
11 They must be able to spot strengths and weaknesses and gaps in knowledge , not so as to compare pupils with each other , but in order to move on to the next stage , in the most effective way .
12 In order to move on to the second phase , further satisfactory and lasting progress towards real and monetary convergence will have to be achieved , especially as regards price stability and the restoration of sound public finances .
13 The project known as Chemistry Plus — chemistry plus applications , linked teachers with over twenty organisations in order to create up to date resources for pupils studying the National Curriculum .
14 Despite one outburst from John Heard , there 's no attempt to explore another sinister possibility , that all men conceal their true identity in order to live up to the modern woman 's expectation of her ‘ dream man ’ .
15 This can be one time when a young writer has to compromise on some immediate ambitions in order to progress on to the next stage of securing a record deal or having artists cover his or her songs .
16 In order to win through to a match-racing play-off , he needed to finish among the top six nations at this regatta .
17 Experienced volunteers thought that they should help with in-bureau tutoring ; among the few who knew what social policy work was , there were some who wanted to take more part in it and others who wanted more time to read in order to keep up to date .
18 Some students were reduced to learning their work parrot-fashion in order to keep up to the standard , while at the same time lacking any real understanding of what they were taught .
19 Our bodies already use the muscles required to walk , so it is simply a question of increasing the duration and then the intensity of our walking in order to build up to the fitness level that we require .
20 Meanwhile the ‘ Lady Mayoress ’ kept gathering up her skirts and hitching up her bosom as ‘ she ’ jumped from the trap in order to dash up to the houses and implant a big kiss on the cheeks of the inhabitants .
21 Can I just clarify , what , what you 're saying is that in a sense there is this overall aim of getting through to socialism but the means of getting there have now changed so that we 've gone from absolute egalitarianism , which is , is an immediate step tow towards socialism you 've gone away from that and the position is now to create a rich peasant economy in order to industrialize , in order to get through to collectivization , I E into socialism .
22 And in order to get in to that state of mind one does not have to be a complete lifelong fanatic , one only has to be completely absorbed for the moment by a particular cause , and that kind of absorption is of course something which good causes often do seem to demand .
23 Then , on the same scale , how far would you have to walk , in order to get back to Lucy and her kind , the earliest human fossils that unequivocally walked upright ?
24 And how far would you have to walk , in order to get back to the start of evolution on Earth ?
25 So in order to get back to the medieval level , we took it back down to there and we caused the to slope .
26 The prolonged and severe drought affecting southern Africa has compelled wildlife authorities in Zimbabwe to move up to 1,000 elephants from the Gonarezhou Park to private ranches in the Sava Valley to the north .
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