Example sentences of "in [noun] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Relative peace ensued in Champagne in the years which followed , although it was not until the coronation of Louis XI in 1461 that the French nobility were able to express their new solidarity .
2 Just in case of the germs .
3 Water bottles are sold to clip on the front of the bikes in emulation of the racers in the Tour De France .
4 It was decided that unless they got word of a change in direction from the scouts the Regent had sent to follow the enemy 's route , the Scots host , now numbering some thirteen thousand , would set off at first light , south-westwards , on a converging course .
5 [ Obituary notice in Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers , vol. lxxviii , 1884 , pp. 414–16 ; Simon Adamson , Seaside Piers , 1977 ; private information . ]
6 Next , we go live to the Nikita Kruschev Ballrooms in Moscow for the semi-finals of The 1996 Warrior Chess Tourney , with a special guest appearance by the Samovar Seven .
7 Only a faint line can be drawn from his speech in Moscow to the statutes of February 1861 .
8 Workstations that have been bought in OEM by the likes of Mentor Graphics Corp , Valid Logic Inc , Control Data Systems Inc and Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG are also not included , nor are board-level components , multi-user systems that act as hosts to two or more terminals , such as the VAX-11/780 and IBM 9370 or parallel processing systems — or even the ICL Plc DRS 6000 .
9 Part of the answer is provided by variations in attitudes towards the advantages of a welfare state system and specifically towards the major beneficiaries of that system in their context , blacks , especially black , female-headed families .
10 The seventies were certainly a period of great change in attitudes within the Customs & Excise in general , and on the cutters in particular we saw great improvements in many ways with the acquisition of better technical equipment such as highly sophisticated radio communication , and the development of international relations .
11 The cloisters ( 1172–89 ) of the abbey church are beautiful ; they are enclosed on four sides by coupled columns of stone and marble , inlaid with brilliantly coloured glass mosaic in patterns on the shafts and have richly varied carved capitals .
12 This is reflected in an increase in funding for the biotransformations project , which a spokesman for the department said had been ‘ very successful ’ .
13 A hearing by Imro 's investigation committee on February 18 found that Midland Bank had failed to take reasonable care in monitoring of the managers ' pricing of the units .
14 In Offe 's work ( see Keane , 1984 ) , the origins of the contradictions of the welfare state in late capitalism are not located in class struggle , but in conflicts among the subsystems of socialization , economy and the state in late capitalism .
15 And so , after General Marshall had spent a night in meditation on the consequences , the failed haberdasher from Independence , Missouri , took on the seventy-year-old national warhorse with his belligerent scowl , his dark glasses and his frayed , oak-leaf-encrusted battle cap ( he was believed to have a man on his staff who did nothing but fray his caps ) .
16 In the same way , herbs were introduced in the sixteenth century from Europe to North America , to be grafted on to the use already in existence of the herbs of the North American Indians who had a considerable and long-standing tradition of herbal cures from the plants native to their own continent .
17 This results not only in a shift along the marginal productivity of labour curves , but in shifts in the positions of the curves .
18 This linear molecule transforms P. anserina with a high frequency ( up to 1.75 10 4 transformants/µg ) , autonomous replication occurs in 100% of the transformants and the plasmid copy number is about 2-3 per nucleus .
19 In the saltatorial Orthoptera , and in beetles of the subfamilies Halticinae and Sagrinae , the hind femora are greatly enlarged in order to accommodate the powerful extensor muscles which are used in leaping .
20 We have also invested £2.5 million in improvements to the maltings , including a kiln refurbishment and dust extraction system at Bury St Edmunds , and a peat furnace at Buckie .
21 This was reflected in admiration for the achievements of the Russian revolution and the Five Year Plans , so that during the interwar years socialist writers such as G. D. H. Cole advocated planning in contradiction to the chaos , irrationality and waste of the capitalist system .
22 The oldest and most worn-out woodcut , representing King Pippin , Two Shoes , or the grim Soldan , sitting with three staring blots for his eyes and mouth , his sceptre in one hand , and his five fingers raised and spread in admiration at the feats of the Gallant London Apprentice , can not excite in me a feeling of ingratitude .
23 Jeffrey back in harness with the Survivors
24 The daughter of a rich Jewish textile manufacturer from Lodz , this highly intelligent woman of great charm and style had been living in Germany during the years when Hitler was coming to power , and the persecution of Jews had begun .
25 The pure form , without constituencies , was used in the ill-fated Weimar Republic in Germany between the wars .
26 The lengthy section in the same report on the persecution of the Jews in Germany began by stating that what was currently taking place was the ‘ irresistible extermination of a minority ’ , comparable to the genocide against the Armenians by the Turks during the First World War but carried out in Germany against the Jews ‘ more slowly and in more planned fashion ’ , adding accurately that ‘ in reality a lawless situation has long prevailed , through which every act of force against the Jewish minority is sanctioned ’ .
27 George Augustus who lost his last race in Germany in the stewards room is down for the Grosser Preis Von Baden and would have to be supported .
28 George Augustus who lost his last race in Germany in the stewards room is down for the Grosser Preis Von Baden and would have to be supported .
29 The two LEAs in Wales were invited after advice from the Welsh Office , as it was intended to include tests in Welsh in the schools .
30 As J. D. North , who has drawn attention to these , remarks , ‘ Taken singly , the records are easy to view with scepticism , but taking them together , and noting especially that relatively large sums of money are involved in payment for the materials used , they persuade us that the mechanical clock had indeed arrived on the scene . ’
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