Example sentences of "in [noun] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It had shaken her faith , made her afraid to form deep attachments in case somehow the pain was repeated …
2 On the return journey from Fairbanks to Edmonton I enjoyed a two-day stopover in Whitehorse where the manager of the new cinema , whom I had met on the way north , looked me up .
3 Now in this respect , of course , twenty-five years is rather a short time in the life of a university , and a good deal of this time has been spent in building up a research base , and now , as you mentioned in your erm remarks a few moments ago , Andrew , we have an enviable research record in a very wide range of disciplines .
4 Well I firmly believe in building up a library .
5 Internationally patented , Brewking is free of chemicals and sold widely in Europe , particularly in Germany where the nation 's drinkers wo n't drink anything but the purest beer .
6 It happened in Germany about a year ago .
7 Housing of all types has been a significant source of work for Grove in 1992 , ranging from the Housing Association project at St James ’ Hospital , London to the infrastructure at Maidenbower Village in Crawley where the design of the major relief road in the town centre is now about complete .
8 Director of Estates Mike Pilbeam comments ‘ I am very keen that Purchasing and Supply plays a full role in the development and implementation of the commercial strategy that we are pursuing generally in Estates where a key to success will be our relationship with our suppliers and our customers . ’
9 With a few exceptions along the coast ( such as Seaford in the 1770s ) it proved more or less impossible in Sussex where the land was largely enclosed already and the soil of much of the county ill-suited to highly profitable wheat farming ; so there was little of the trauma produced elsewhere by the restructuring of the rural landscape .
10 ‘ We should also allow dual citizenship in cases where a foreigner who wanted to become a German citizen would suffer disadvantages if he gave up his old citizenship . ’
11 In cases where a patient needed to be referred to a specialty , usually orthopaedics for digital nerve or tendon injuries , a registrar or consultant had made the referral on my behalf .
12 In cases where a child is born out of wedlock , these families may struggle with their conception of what a normal family should be and various moral issues .
13 b ) In cases where a Default Notice has not been served because it is not required under the Consumer Credit Act , we shall send you a letter of demand , requiring repayment of a specified sum .
14 Females tend to disperse themselves among the males but in cases where a male has an especially good territory a female may opt to breed with him even if he already has a mate , rather than go for one without .
15 Quite a small bevel is adequate for this purpose so in cases where a square has to be turned over , such a small bevel on each side is the solution .
16 In cases where a covenant must be imposed to observe existing restrictions , on behalf of a buyer always insert in the covenant such words as " so far as the same affect the property hereby conveyed and are subsisting and capable of being enforced " , because for one reason or another the odds are ten to one that nobody can legally enforce them ; but the case might be otherwise if you impose the restrictions afresh .
17 Legal representation may be counterproductive , unnecessary or overcumbersome in cases where a matter must be speedily resolved , and hence the courts have resisted claims that there should be a right to such representation .
18 Compensation both for planning restrictions ( in cases where a claim had been admitted ) and for compulsory purchase by public authorities was to be paid on the basis of existing use plus any admitted 1947 development value , but private sales would be at current market prices .
19 The number of community psychiatric nurses in Newham was less than half that of Ipswich , and the hospital social workers did not intervene in cases where a client had not been an inpatient .
20 Again , the suggestion has been made that in cases where a woman 's SB is withdrawn because she is found/thought to be cohabiting , a ‘ tiding over ’ allowance should be made to ease the adjustment .
21 In cases where a tumour suppressor gene is inactivated , repetitive cellular repair may lead to uncontrolled cell division and malignant transformation ; a putative tumour suppressor gene has been described on the long arm of chromosome 17 .
22 In cases where a papilla arises on two adjacent areas the m is split into 2n 's with a comma between them and a linking bar above them .
23 Earlier proposals to invalidate share deals already struck , in cases where a merger had been vetoed , were dropped on the insistence of the UK .
24 Likewise the Attorney alone may enforce the IBA 's statutory duties in cases where no individual can show that a breach will involve a personal injury .
25 In cases where no request is forthcoming from the suspect , it is for the officer in charge of the investigation to decide whether a parade would be ‘ useful . ’
26 Applications by letter are now generally accepted in cases where no appointment is required .
27 However , clause III ( a ) grants an exception in cases where no material alteration is involved .
28 It is clear that in cases where the mistake relates to a circumstance qualified by mens rea the outcome will be the same whether one adopts the definitional or the defence doctrine of mistake , that is ‘ the prosecution will wither on the bough .
29 In cases where the respondent is a non-governmental body , it may be possible to ask whether there is evidence that if the respondent had not taken on the function in question , the government would have .
30 In cases where the oxygen supply is curtailed , the Krebs cycle is disturbed and causes corneal oedema ( an excessive accumulation of fluid ) .
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