Example sentences of "in [noun] [adj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I think not : in Case 145/88 the court had no need to rely on the criterion of proportionality — any more than it does in these cases — since it was immediately apparent , as it is now in these proceedings , that the obstacles created by the national legislation in question certainly were not , and are not , of such a kind as to compel the member state to dispense with a measure necessary for the attainment of a justified objective .
2 I 'm f frightened of ben move down in case all the wiring comes off . .
3 In case 1 the similarity of the symptoms to those of an acute asthmatic attack and the fact that a nebulised bronchodilator resolved the acute event were misleading .
4 Bangkok , was delayed for up to two days , and in Moscow such a thing as a boarding pass , an assigned seat , has never been thought of .
5 The starting salary is competitive , and I am acquiring experience in courts all the time . ’
6 Chorus 2 is dismissed as " a report rather than a visual representation " ( p. 198 ) , and in Chorus 3 every line is said to have its descriptive adjective .
7 In lane 1 the extract of a human brain tumor indicates the position of migration in the EMSA of previously described N-Oct proteins .
8 In Part One the life stories are used only retrospectively , drawing on childhood memories of grandparents .
9 In Part 2 a reward was defined as anything that a child will change behaviour to have .
10 In part 2 the author has given you the option of turning off those infuriating flashing lasers and electric grills , which I found helped me to think a little easier but , alas , did n't help me in solving the problem .
11 The Commission announced in March 1991 a proposal to ban all advertising of tobacco products throughout the EC from 1993 .
12 In March 1991 a rescheduling agreement was signed covering US$22,000,000 of the US$127,800,000 owed to the US government .
13 The Nationalrat approved in March 1991 the construction of two rail tunnels through the Swiss Alps , which would take freight traffic off Swiss roads , but they would not be completed until 2015 .
14 In March 1991 the Government announced that the community charge will be replaced by a new system of local tax .
15 Also in March 1991 the State Statistical Bureau ( SSB ) gave details of the achievements of the seventh five-year plan ( 1986-1990 ) [ see p. 38097 ] .
16 In March 1991 the Commission estimated that budgetary fraud cost up to 10 per cent of the EC 's total budget .
17 In March 1989 a set of directives on economic relations between the USSR and its constituent republics was published , which called for the transfer of up to 36 per cent of industrial production to local control ( the existing figure was only 5 per cent ) , with much higher levels — up to 72 per cent — in Georgia and the Baltic republics .
18 When , in March 1950 the State Department , under strong Congressional urging , had sent its aid survey mission to Southeast Asia it was headed by Mr R. Allen Griffin , a Californian newspaper publisher and editor , who had been deputy chief of the US Aid Mission to China .
19 In March 1757 an application was made on his behalf to St Luke 's Hospital for the insane , a private asylum opened in 1751 by a group of London philanthropists .
20 In March 1961 the Mirror Group bought Odhams , which gave them the People and 51 per cent of the Daily Herald .
21 In March 1922 a monopoly was granted to a new state advisory body on the publication of textbooks , but through the rest of 1922 it was powerless to stem the growing tide of texts from private publishers which threatened to drown official party ideology in educational affairs .
22 The air raids of 1917–18 had resulted in a casualty ratio of sixteen per ton of German bombs dropped ( it was thought that this would be nearer fifty per ton for London ) , but after the Luftwaffe attacks on Barcelona in March 1938 the figure was uprated to seventy-two per ton .
23 I was accepted as a candidate — indeed , the only candidate — for this post , but in March 1992 the jury refused to let me take the examination owing to the absence of the document recognizing my title .
24 But the tenants of three of the forest townships , namely Alne , Tollerton and Newton , refused to agree to the disafforestment of Galtres Forest on the terms proposed by the royal commissioners , whereupon in March 1631 the king ordered that the lands of those townships should continue to be ‘ within the jurisdiction of a forest and the forest laws ’ .
25 In March 1908 a crossover was laid near the top of Tamworth Road , so that a second car could reverse when one was standing on the terminal stub .
26 In the St George , Westminster , by-election in March 1931 the Empire Crusade candidacy seemed to exacerbate the divisions in the Conservative party which the press proprietors had initiated .
27 In March 1962 the draft treaty was about to be signed by all six countries , when , at the last moment , de Gaulle changed the text .
28 In March 1924 the presence of 198 inmates was noted ; the number of vagrants admitted during the previous fortnight had risen to 437 .
29 The new Tories talked of being ‘ on the side of the people ’ and when , in March 1954 the Television Bill came up for its second reading , they won the day .
30 In March 1979 a republic was formally proclaimed and a moderate National Front figure , Mehdi Bazargan , designated provisional prime minister .
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