Example sentences of "be [not/n't] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My feeling ( although I am not the best judge ) was that the Workshop was a complete success in that it involved the participants in exploring the intellectual bases of their subject , and led them from there to the practical rethinking of their teaching methods and curricula .
2 And if on your coming to England I am not the first person you look for , I shall be very hurt indeed !
3 I am not the only person left in the world .
4 I am not the only person who has had a tumultuous year , and I am immensley proud of the way the British face their problems and so often succeed despite them .
5 And I am not the only woman who wants a fulfilling working life and domesticity as well .
6 I AM sure I am not the only woman who wept in sympathy , shame and anger at the outrage done to the people of Warrington .
7 ‘ I am not the slightest bit embarrassed by my holiday arrangements , ’ Mellor had told a reporter from the People .
8 ARM British and French congratulations to Mr Helmut Kohl for his allies ' victory in the East German election are not the best gauge of how the West German chancellor is viewed in London and Paris .
9 Articles in industry are not the best preparation for private practice , and unless you have a fairly fixed intention to make your career in industry or commerce you may find it difficult to settle down even for only two or three years in the atmosphere of a company 's legal department .
10 Pesticides alone are not the best way to achieve long term control of agricultural pests .
11 But if parents are not the best judge , and doctors themselves may not always be fully conversant with a real understanding of the facts , who will be the ultimate arbiter ?
12 This being the case , summer weekends are not the best time to visit .
13 They are not the perfect team .
14 They are not the perfect team .
15 They are not the perfect team .
16 The light-sensitive cells ( " photocells " ) are not the first thing the light hits , but they are buried inside and facing away from the light .
17 Flowers are not the sole attraction at Barnsley.Rosemary Verey has also created a decorative vegetable garden.Known as a potager , it mixes vegetables and flowers to create greater variety :
18 The above three case studies bring out a number of points about resourcing the public sector which demonstrate that resourcing issues are not the sole province of the technical experts in the area : accountants and economists .
19 Such visions can be utilised at all levels within an organisation and are not the sole prerogative of those at the top .
20 But these sentiments are not the sole property of democratic socialists .
21 You rightly say in your editorial today ( ‘ Moral fabric in need of repair ’ ) that the sentiments he expresses are not the sole property of democratic socialists .
22 Furthermore , as context-stimulus associations are not the sole source of latent inhibition , the model need not be embarrassed by the observation that exposure to the context alone ( either before or after exposure to the target stimulus ) does not abolish the effect .
23 But value-added resellers are not the sole focus for the present drive which has apparently attracted over 400 dealers so far , at a rate of around 20 to 30 a month .
24 Clearly , despite their terribly twee name , pudding-bowl haircuts and crap clothes , they are not the washed-up jangle group their detractors would have you believe .
25 13.14.1 Mistakes that are sufficiently serious are not the real problem
26 No , they are not the real world champions ( a ridiculous claim in the first place ) .
27 Models are not the real thing , and what looked like the something from the future world of Dan Dare on the cover of the new Eagle comic was to be and feel quite a different slab of concrete .
28 And if your child is dyslexic , reassure them that they are not the only child , there are other children who share this problem , that they in fact are not stupid , or mad — and quite often they think they are mad , they can understand what is wrong with them because they do n't really understand what they 're supposed to be doing .
29 These expectations will usually be heavily influenced by past profits , but they are not the only consideration .
30 Tax advantages are not the only factor making donations to the arts so popular among rich Americans .
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