Example sentences of "be [not/n't] [adj] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I am not sorry to see the stand go because being shabby , leaky at the back , and all but condemned , it was a constant reminder of the team 's own position .
2 It is obvious that we should have talks but I am not willing to be told that the talks can only take place at one location and I am not willing to accept an invitation to a slanging match .
3 May own efforts at making custard , on what I think was called a Hydra Burner , may have been forgotten by those who subsequently had to eat the awful stuff , but I am not likely to forget the watery culinary disaster !
4 I am not slow to sing the praises of the city of Nottingham , and there are good grounds for doing so .
5 ‘ No politician likes leaving an election campaign in full swing , but Britain 's farmers and fishermen expect me to do the job I was appointed for and I am not prepared to take the risk of measures hostile to the UK getting through because I am not there , ’ said Mr Curry , who is defending a 17,000 Conservative majority .
6 I 'm afraid that no amount of arm-twisting will get me to reveal the exact locality , as I am not prepared to see a quiet stream denuded of its substrate by busloads of fishkeepers .
7 ‘ Not easily , not quickly , but I am not prepared to abandon the ambition of having a fully working economy , and having a fully working economy means there are jobs available for just about everybody who is looking for a job . ’
8 Lawrence said : ‘ I am not prepared to sign a player who would go into the reserves after three games .
9 I am not prepared to condemn the various newspapers which have written about this subject in a responsible way .
10 If I am not able to visit the Western Isles in the near future , I shall certainly act on his suggestion that we should send a team of Scottish Office officials and that will be arranged as soon as is reasonably practicable .
11 ‘ I am not able to acquit the Scots of this fault ( pride ) ’ , he wrote ; and ‘ ill est fier comme ung Escossoys ’ ( he is as proud as a Scot ) was his record of what the French thought of the matter .
12 . The question then becomes what is meant by the word ‘ woman ’ in the single context of marriage , for I am not concerned to determine the ‘ legal sex ’ of the respondent at large .
13 You will recall that Ormrod J. held that ‘ ( t ) he question then becomes what is meant by the word ‘ woman ’ in the context of a marriage , for I am not concerned to determine the ‘ legal sex ’ of the respondent at large . ’
14 You are not obliged to join the P&O Group Pension Scheme but , should you choose to do so , the minimum contribution ( 5% of salary ) will be deducted at source .
15 Sellers in a strong bargaining position will attempt to impose such a clause even where they are not obliged to supply the forecast requirements .
16 We are not due to visit the hospital until six .
17 Reptiles and insects employ similar tactics , but in their case eye-spots are not necessary to deflect the interest of their predators .
18 This also indicates that RISC requires a lower number of the slower off-chip memory accesses and that complex addressing modes are not necessary to obtain an effective machine .
19 I have before noticed that what are commonly called warm colours are not necessary to produce the impression of warmth in landscape ; and this picture affords , to me , the strongest possible proof of the truth of this .
20 We are not anxious to sell the company , but we are in discussion with a variety of people about co-operation and prospective linkages of various sorts . ’
21 We are not anxious to see the situation evolve .
22 The common belief that resources are not available to implement the necessary changes is a major obstacle to the development of a new service delivery pattern .
23 Nowadays , very few excavations take place on sites that do not have some form of threat of damage or destruction , because enough funds are not available to finance a full research excavation on every possible site .
24 It also provides a consistent surface , which is ideal for use by young players and , perhaps more importantly , cricket can be played where the resources are not available to maintain a grass cricket square .
25 ‘ In Australia you are not supposed to have a cleaner or someone to do things for you , there 's not such a class distinction .
26 My arguments concerning the broad possibilities and constraints given by the present structure of capitalist property are not supposed to have the status of a ready-made political programme , and in discussing the possibilities for investment planning as a fruitful avenue for socialist argument I make no pretence to have identified the means of conversion of ‘ social reason into social force ’ ( to use Marx 's formula ) .
27 What sort of misguided speech was that ? were they dance about it or trim here , what they 're saying very simply and this is relevant to the people who are listening to us today , is that they are not prepared to restore the cuts made by the government which they have got elected .
28 We are saying to those councillors , ’ Wo n't pay , ca n't say ’ ; in other words , ’ If you are not prepared to obey the law and pay your rightful contribution to the cost of the local services which , as locally elected representatives , you have a say in providing , it is unjustifiable for you to have any influence , through your votes , on the amount of local tax that is levied in your area . ’
29 But many companies are not prepared to allow the necessary time , despite the fact that without the language in some countries it is impossible to operate .
30 It is very important indeed to ensure that the staff of G C H Q are not subject to potential conflicts of interest and as I said earlier the Prime Minister and I listened for some considerable time to the s to er to the points put forward by the trade unions to see whether or not that overriding er national objective could be maintained but we were not convinced , we were not convinced that erm the trade unions could overcome those potential conflicts of interest and it behoves ill the party opposite to try and put a different gloss on the fact that we in this country thanks to our legislation , have put harmony in place of strife and we are not prepared to allow the opposition to put that major achievement at risk .
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