Example sentences of "be [to-vb] them to [art] " in BNC.

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1 An alternative explanation for price rises , for example , has been to relate them to the amount of money in circulation or the bullion value of the coinage .
2 All you would have to do would be to lead them to the smugglers ' rendezvous and supervise the action . ’
3 Copies were to be sent to all sheriffs , who were to publish them to the people ; others were to be kept in all cathedral churches and read twice a year .
4 To ground the many provisions of , let us say , the UN Declaration of 1948 in the mere possibility of their being defended by moral argument is to consign them to a very combative arena indeed , the vagaries of which we have explored in this chapter and are precisely those exploited by Hare in his gloomy quotation .
5 The second is to present them to the three million visitors each year in ‘ an educative and enjoyable way ’ .
6 If they do anything which affects anybody , your only recourse is to take them to a High Court for a judicial review . ’
7 It is to teach our young people about Him , it is to bring them to a conscious faith in Him so that in the heart and life of the Church , they can proclaim and witness to the faith of the ages , that Jesus is truly God and truly man , the Lord and saviour of us all . ’
8 His aim was to reconvert them to a Unitarian Christianity devoid of superstition .
9 The key to impressing Mum and Auntie Jean , and the best way to keep their tongues off the risible subject of my loin-cloth , which inevitably had them quaking with laughter , was to introduce them to the actors afterwards , telling them which sit-coms and police programmes they 'd seen them in .
10 Gaitskell became excited at the prospect and instructed me with great firmness that as soon as I had received the ‘ discovered ’ documents I was to show them to no one but to come straight to him , so that he should be the first person to know who the culprit was or what information was available that would lead to the culprit 's identity .
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