Example sentences of "be [to-vb] the fact that " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , theories of this sort must be extended in some way if they are to accommodate the fact that latent inhibition depends in part on what the target stimulus predicts .
2 Dr Greenaway used The British Deaf News for making his own views known : " We do not intend to repeat yet once again all the arguments for and against the retention of the word " dumb " , he wrote in February 1970 ; " what is important , however , is to emphasise the fact that in the mind of the general public and even more completely in the minds of modem generations of deaf boys and girls the word " dumb " is out .
3 Number one is to acknowledge the fact that our line charge is not infinitely long , integrate between the limits -H and +H , differentiate to obtain the electric field , and let then H go to infinity .
4 But I think the the the hardest thing is to accept the fact that he is God .
5 The first is to draw attention to what I and others believe to be clear injustices in the way in which he was treated before his death and the second is to expose the fact that the injustices faced by Mr. Docherty affect many others in similar circumstances , and are a direct consequence of Government policy .
6 The aim is to address the fact that while seven of the 10 highest-grossing films of all-time are ‘ effects ’ films , effects and synthetic characters are challenging and often frustrating to produce .
7 The hearer 's task in [ 23 – 26 ] is to reconcile the fact that an expression has been repeated with the assumption that optimal relevance has been aimed at .
8 ‘ The secret of happiness is to face the fact that the world is horrible , horrible , horrible .
9 ‘ This is to ignore the fact that in the administration of justice in this country , the authority of any judicial pronouncement depends not upon the personal authority of the judge concerned , but upon the capacity in which he gives a decision or expresses an opinion .
10 I mean if it , wh wh what it is trying to do is , is to is to formalize the fact that land reform was already taking place , and therefore you , you 've got to give the go ahead to that
11 The essential purpose was to disguise the fact that Dennis was an alcoholic .
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