Example sentences of "be [to-vb] [conj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A set of raw recruits was marching up and down with a new drill instructor , who sounded every bit as determined as the late Sergeant-Major Philpott had been to see that the snow was never allowed to settle .
2 Planning and management , if the political and economic will is there to implement them , can effect sustainable recreation and tourism which is essential if such industries are to continue as a source of income in developed and developing countries .
3 Prior to the conference , the US official line has been to wait until a link between carbon dioxide and global warming became proven .
4 Labour was further incensed because Balfour 's and the Cabinet majority 's crowning blow to Long 's hopes had been to ensure that the Act operated for only three years , the result of government 's unwillingness to accept permanent responsibility for the relief of unemployment .
5 It seems clear , that is , that we are to understand that a way of being is something possessed by or entered into , say , by us , but not by sticks and stones .
6 We are to understand that the idea of a usual background is relative : there are different usual backgrounds for different causal claims , or different groups of causal claims .
7 With this available , the main concerns are to ensure that the tank is large enough and that sufficient head is maintained in the supply line to keep the tank full .
8 The role of the LEA in monitoring and evaluation should be to see that the work is done within schools and to provide support and expert advice .
9 To travel to Cologne might well be to find that the battlefront between Germany and the western Allies had already been established just beyond the city .
10 Others write letters ( in role ) to relatives and friends in other parts of the country telling them what has happened , and ( for the most part ) excitedly proclaiming how easy it will be to visit once the line is built .
11 A reasonable starting point may be to assume that the process will vary for individuals and for different types of text .
12 However , this example serves to emphasize how misleading it can be to assume that the breeding sex ratio necessarily reflects the extent to which male reproductive success varies for , even among closely related species , it is likely to be the case that males have substantially longer breeding lifespans in monogamous species than in polygynous ones ( see Wiley , 1974 ; Clutton-Brock et al . ,
13 Perhaps a graphic parallel would be to imagine that a country existed in the middle of Europe which was at one and the same time Catholic , Protestant , Jewish and Islamic , while sharing equally the cultural and economic influence of the USA , USSR , and China !
14 Your overall objective should be to ensure that a deal that at first sight looks attractive is not , in the long run , undermined because you have to expend significant additional sums in order to maintain a reasonable life-style abroad and fulfil your duties adequately .
15 I do believe that one of the best ways we 're going to benefit from the new circumstances I hope of economic stability of low inflation and low taxation , will be to ensure that the provision of capital is made by the principle institutions , namely the banks and the investing institutions .
16 As the Council for Science and Technology ( CST ) , one of its aims will be to ensure that the Government draws on outside advice when deciding its research spending .
17 The challenge for secondary schools in particular will be to ensure that the system reflects the learning , and does not dictate it .
18 The purpose of this review will be to ensure that the staffing levels and working arrangements are those needed to enable employees to deliver the service in a safe manner .
19 Nevertheless , the aim of the draftsman must always be to ensure that the lease as executed represents the full intention of the parties .
20 In other cases the first question will be to decide whether a contract was actually formed over the telephone .
21 How easy it would be to confess that the baby had survived ; that he had , according to Sir Philip Debrace , grown into a strong , good-looking boy .
22 The Court of Appeal held that the supplying was insufficient as an unlawful act because it was not ‘ directed at ’ V. Subsequent decisions are unclear whether the ‘ directed at ’ test remains good law , and a better approach to the facts of Dalby would be to hold that the supplying of drugs did not cause the death because V took them himself .
23 His task was to be to assess whether the Commonwealth could assist with constitutional negotiations .
24 These caring visits could be by neighbours , friends or relatives , whose visits could be to check that the sufferer was all right , to give emotional support , or to provide help with personal or household tasks .
25 The mode is aptly described as ‘ thinking aloud in verse ’ : another way of putting it , reversing the first account given in this paragraph , would be to say that an argument of the mature poet ( consciousness I ) is illustrated and exemplified by a passage of recollected memory which is relived ( in consciousness II ) .
26 Another way of stating this point would be to say that the revival and growth of social movements in those societies which are both economically advanced and have a fairly long tradition of democracy , is a major aspect of that ‘ self-production ’ of society referred to earlier , which exists in some degree already , but is still more an ideal representation of a future form of society , ‘ free of domination ’ , in which the collectivity would really govern itself , by procedures of rational discussion among equal citizens .
27 The obvious response to this question would be to say that the school should do all that it reasonably can .
28 A second argument which Gordon might use would be to say that the content of the bracket constituting the term furnished tenancy or employee or assault should , itself , be for the relative opinion of the tribunal .
29 It makes no more sense to say that the perspectival appearance is true ( or false ) of the object than it would be to say that the size of the angle of a triangle is true ( or false ) of the other two angles , which determine its size .
30 One would be to say that the predicating of names like ‘ white ’ does not involve classification ( taking classification to be the performing of tests indicated by the definition of the general name ) .
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