Example sentences of "be [to-vb] [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thirty more jobs are to go at another plant at Cinderford in the Forest of Dean .
2 ‘ If you are to go into this business in a big way , you want to think of buying in ready-made uppers for men 's boots , that would cut down the work a lot , mind . ’
3 I think it extremely likely that the plaintiff would have followed the inevitable recommendation from its officers which would have been to proceed with this action in order to avoid paying compensation .
4 ‘ Say , ’ he said , ‘ you 'd better tell me more precisely about what I am to wear to this ball .
5 I have to tell you that you must also fulfil the other obligations you have to your people if you are to remain in this kingdom .
6 On the other hand , if two components are to relate in some way to provide a desired function , it must take place in an intersection zone ( which includes touching areas — zones of zero depth or wholly inserted spaces ) .
7 The last dying patient I 'd been to visit in this hospital had been the caretaker of our Health Centre , in much pain from a carcinoma of the pancreas .
8 And despite the valid excuses , Rangers still must find an extra dimension if they are to prosper in this competition .
9 No er allegations of erm concerning the correct , his driving er , are made by the pro prosecution er as a result of the incident but er , as a result of the officer 's enquiries er , it came to light that Mr was er , in breach of some of the er , other regulations regarding road uses and so the summonses which are to deal with this morning have er have been issued against him .
10 No er allegations of erm concerning the correctness of his driving er are made by the pr prosecution er as a result of the incident but er as a result of the officer 's enquiries er it came to light that Mr was er in breach of some of the er other regulations regarding road users and er so the summonses which you are to deal with this morning have er have been issued against him .
11 And then you had twenty people , well , over twenty people sat in the window , and they all had bar meals , and they 'd all been to do with this run , you know , there 's a big run through Twickenham on a Sunday morning ,
12 And you can not stop there , because I find it impossible to interpret the Act as meaning that the three years are to run from that date .
13 But for the butcher , baker , DIY shop , holiday company or plumber , the remedy seems to be to go to another trader next time , and write this disappointment or disaster down to experience , unless it is bad enough to take to a lawyer or the Small Claims Court .
14 When there is information to give about a diagnosis of terminal disease , for example , it is always the statutorily determined next of kin who are given the information , regardless of how suitable they may be to cope with such information emotionally , and regardless of how involved in the actual care of Mr Patient they are .
15 The greater the variety of non-academic and pre-vocational examinations there are on offer , the easier it may be to progress in this direction .
16 How splendid it would be to walk into this classroom with a gigantic spray-gun in my hands and start pumping it .
17 ‘ May be to do with that newsflash we heard about the pile-up near Freiburg .
18 The aim of the conference will be to do for this junction of Europe and Asia what the Helsinki conference in 1975 did for the rest of Europe .
19 Can I ask you who you would think would be to blame for that accident ?
20 But that would be to introduce into this branch of the law an element of uncertainty which I , for one , would regard as undesirable .
21 Such was the magnificent ineffability of the Resident , who functioned , if we are to judge by this account , in an atmosphere better described as one of brilliant improvization than of the sober pragmatism for which Indirect Rule was supposedly renowned .
22 Other options are to change to less temperature sensitive chemicals , again from alkali to solvent , or perhaps to abrasive and/or an increase in concentration .
23 Huy would need Merymose 's help if he were to proceed in that direction .
24 Officially the aims of the FMI were to promote in each department an organization in which managers at all levels would have :
25 Apart from these five officials , the other members of the political executive committee were to work in that body alongside their regular jobs .
26 If you were to work in this sector , you would be using your knowledge of company law to contribute to the success of your employer 's business .
27 We need to know for certain that if a person were to suffer in this way , the care will be there for them .
28 Juries saw no problem deciding whom they were to despatch from this world : let similar bodies decide who is to come into it .
29 A star that is 1.4 times heavier than our Sun has a Schwarzschild radius of only 2 km , and if such a star were to shrink to this size it would attain a mean density of , far beyond the density of nuclei .
30 Oh , she knew well enough that if he were to walk through that door now , she would not entertain him ; her pride would not let her .
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