Example sentences of "be [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 350 staff are to go at the Northampton headquarters .
2 Alfred Walter will conduct flautist David Haslam and harpist Bryn Lewis , who are to perform with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra in a Viennese evening of Strauss and Mozart with the Northern Sinfonia Orchestra at Middlesbrough Town Hall on February 26 .
3 Not that he had been to work on a Sunday for several years , but that was how he remembered it .
4 HUNDREDS of Maxwell pensioners are to march to the Commons tomorrow on the eve of the anniversary of the publisher 's death .
5 The next generation will have to cross many obstacles if they 're to return to the River Windrush .
6 The mandate , it seems , extends to discussing directly with Andrea Corcoran , the engaging lawyer whose unfortunate task it has been to negotiate on the CFTC 's behalf , a solution to the intricate questions of extra-territoriality and segregation of clients ' funds on the London Metal Exchange .
7 Although it may be easier to like the look of a classical house , few imagine how pleasant it might be to live in a Tudor Revival one which combines quaint picturesqueness with modern practicalities .
8 That must change if prosecutions are to succeed in the BCCI and Maxwell cases that lie ahead .
9 I am to teach at a London drama academy .
10 If we are to survive in the West End , we have to guarantee that every performance is up to scratch .
11 Essen Ruhrgas ( 35 per cent of shares ) and Hannover BEB Erdöl und Gas ( 10 per cent ) were to invest in the Leipzig Gas enterprise ( the remaining 55 per cent of shares would be sold to other investors ) .
12 The puppies that were to remain in the UK , although shown , achieved no obvious success , either in the show ring or as breeding prospects .
13 They were to drive in the Bois de Boulogne .
14 The commissioners were to report to the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office , after which any recommended changes in the constitution would be voted upon in the Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly .
15 All were powered by GE engines and were to formate on a Lear Jet flown by H Clay Lacey for a public relations photographic sortie over the Mojave Desert .
16 ‘ For Mandelson 's Hartlepool opponents it must be rather as if George Bush were to retire from the White House and run for Mayor of Amarillo , ’ said yesterday 's Independent . )
17 Sources suggest that if Moon , who is currently considering his position , were to indicate to the BMC that he had not fully understood the consequences of taking part , then a compromise could be worked out .
18 This division of support had potentially serious consequences as it was commonly accepted that all four constituent groups had to be united behind a single candidate if the Democrats were to regain of the White House .
19 Ralph Bryant read out the hundred and seventh psalm the following Sunday at the morning service in St Saviour 's , and the congregation listened with rapt attention to those words which applied so directly to the men and boys who were to sail in the Russell that day :
20 If this kind of picture were to apply to the London Caribbean community , we should expect to find a pattern where Creole was used between members of the first generation and by them to their children .
21 The bottom line is that whilst Wilko has made decisions which have upset , even annoyed us , if he were to leave for the England job there is no-one remotely capable of replacing him .
22 Under the terms of the accord , all Zimbabwean troops in Mozambique were to withdraw to the Beira and Limpopo corridors , the two strategic routes linking landlocked Zimbabwe with the Mozambican ports of Beira and Maputo .
23 The columns were to merge in the Hammersmith Road at 6.30 , an hour and a half before the rally .
24 Under a plan to which all factions had consented , the AFL troops were to assemble at the Barclay Training Centre and Camp Schiefflin , in Monrovia , the Liberian capital .
25 The armies of the centre group were to move through the Ardennes in the direction of Rheims , the central Meuse and Verdun , and Heeringen 's force was to repel any French offensive into Alsace .
26 Visitors from all over the region are converging on the Gray Art Gallery and Museum , Hartlepool , to see an exhibition of the work of realist painter John Bratby , which is to go on a UK tour .
27 A large amount of the proceeds , ‘ expected to be several thousands of pounds ’ , is to go to the Leonora Children 's Cancer Fund .
28 A bill is to go before the Commons to allow boys under fourteen years old to face rape charges .
29 AFTER 65 years , the gavel is to fall at the London Auction Mart for the final time .
30 Alan Beith is to debate on the Jimmy Young show that made Mrs Thatcher all those years ago , with John Smith and Norman Lamont .
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