Example sentences of "be [to-vb] [art] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To my mind , the major contribution of econometrics to our understanding of advertising so far has been to establish the relatively marginal effect of advertising expenditure level changes in comparison with price changes : typically , price movements relative to competition seem to account for as much as 70–80 per cent of the changes in brand shares in a market .
2 At this point we first go beyond novelty into apparent paradox , for the most outstanding achievement of nineteenth-century physics had been to establish the indubitably wave-like character of light .
3 From the time this imaginative project was conceived , the aim has been to create the most exciting and original selection of luxury homes available in Central London .
4 One prominent tendency in recent Marxist thought , therefore , has been to replace the relatively simple and precise evolutionary scheme of Marx 's 1859 Preface by a more complex and indefinite picture of the history of society in which , beyond the primitive communal stage , two broad types of society are distinguished — pre-capitalist and capitalist each of which may develop very diverse forms of economy , politics and culture .
5 A reduction in interest rates , albeit difficult given our currency 's position within the Exchange Rate Mechanism , may well be necessary if we are to avoid an even deeper recession .
6 The best approach would have been to do the more straightforward bits first and to spend only the allocated time — 36 minutes — and no longer .
7 Education for Sustainability must lead to changes in the value systems to which we are currently wedded if we are to build a more sustainable society .
8 My task was to record it as objectively as possible and leave the reader to judge , yet not to provide some indication of the effect it had on me would be to paint a very incomplete picture .
9 The only satisfactory long-term solution must be to secure a hugely increased membership of the Association .
10 Probably the major contribution has been and will continue to be to encourage a more realistic and informed approach to social problems and matters of social policy .
11 The effect of these changes should be to create a more relevant and effective policy , not only by creating greater harmonisation with EC restrictive practices policy , but also by strengthening domestic policy through the adoption of an approach designed to combat any practice which has the effect of restricting competition , as opposed to one that places emphasis upon the form of an agreement , sometimes to the neglect of those effects .
12 One possible solution would be to use a weakly rational two-step estimator with the expectation being replaced by the fitted values from a prior regression of the outturn on a vector of predetermined variables .
13 My purpose here will be to give a very brief sketch of what each of the theories attempts and to direct the interested reader to a few of the many other books that do give detailed accounts and critiques of them .
14 To look to look back further to the sailing boats , no doubt would be to recall an even busier village .
15 The possible effect of this increased workload combined with the pressure on schools to find ‘ economies ’ to help them live within their budgets , might be to reduce the already meagre levels of clerical/ administrative support available to classroom teachers .
16 A full understanding of poetry requires that both principles are seen to be at work , for to analyze the laws of poetry without taking account of those of ordinary language would be to overlook the specifically verbal nature of poetry and to transform it from the domain of language to that of music .
17 However , the more I thought about it , the more I imagined how nice it would be to have a really fabulous holiday in Andalucía .
18 The aim at all times should be to have the most accurate estimate of the final cost .
19 However , President Ros Marsh said after the Ealing game that the club 's main aim for next season should be to get the As back into the East Super League , where Chelmsford deserved representation .
20 Speaking in the grounds of the force 's new Divulje base outside the Croatian port of Split , he said : ‘ The aim must be to employ the more traditional British approach to international security .
21 You may still want to lose more weight and inches , and your top priority may be to achieve a much slimmer body than you have so far .
22 If we are to have a fairly well-paid reserve of unemployed people , why not have a minimum wage ?
23 In my view this case provides a dramatic vindication of the decision to consult Hansard ; had your Lordships not agreed to do so the result would have been to place a very heavy burden of taxation upon a large number of persons which Parliament never intended to impose .
24 I mean there are some people in Britain who feel that if we were to mount a really effective counter-terrorist operation .
25 Moreover , if she were to enforce a purely nationalist policy in respect of nuclear matters in Scotland , that could have consequences that she would regret — because the quantity of Scottish fuel reprocessed at Sellafield is vastly greater than the amount of overseas fuel brought to Dounreay .
26 Perhaps if these stores were to promote a more caring attitude , we 'd have less cause for complaint .
27 The first mechanical horse experiments carried out at Wolverton were in 1929 , their remit being to find a quickly detachable tractor and semi-trailer .
28 At some time in the Permo-Triassic one group of reptiles ( ‘ mammal-like reptiles ’ ) actually gave rise to the warm-blooded mammals , which were to lead a rather subordinate existence during the heyday of the dinosaurs .
29 Many of the difficulties of timeliness , accuracy , reliability , specificity and of the construction and choice of indicators would be eased very considerably if Central Government were to institute a very large continuing ‘ Resource Allocation ’ survey , with a sample of perhaps two to ten per cent of the population in each year .
30 Their major problems arose , however , from the development of the democratic opposition movements , the principal aims of which , in the East European countries ( and also in China ) , were to create a more open society by ending the political domination of a single party and restoring basic civil and political rights , as well as extending the economic reforms that began , on a significant scale , in the 1970s , in order to decentralize decision making and satisfy more adequately consumer needs .
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