Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [pron] in a " in BNC.

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1 No problem Mr Prospect , I 'm glad you feel that way however I am seeing you in a fortnight 's time , have a chat with him between then and now and when I see you next week I 'll ta or whenever the time 'll be , I 'll take his telephone number from you then .
2 This seems , this seems a worthwhile thing to do to me , Chairman , this may reflect that , this position that we are in the business cycle that er , you know , with a slightly optimistic outlook , a lot of firms are seeing themselves in a position to expand and , and need this to help them do so .
3 To be sure we are seeing it in a grotesquely parodied form , but what leads to Celia being nearly raped is nothing less than the prevailing structures of patriarchal and heterosexual authority : it is after all her hitherto paranoidly jealous husband who has literally dragged her to Volpone 's bed .
4 I 'm not surprised your Julidochromis have n't bred and have fallen out if you are keeping them in a community tank !
5 When they measure your speed , they 're measuring your velocity really , they 're measuring it in a particular direction , along that road .
6 As ever , ESP are busy doing the obvious thing , but they 're doing it in a manner a cut above some of the other ‘ rawk ’ guitar manufacturers .
7 And we 're doing it in a second time .
8 They 're talking about going with us certainly , but they 're doing it in a positive way because they see what the future is .
9 speed if you 're doing it in a
10 because you 're doing it in a very different coordinate system which is
11 So we 're showing it in a peaceful way because in the end of course we can destroy by the ballot and not the bullet .
12 ‘ They 're putting her in a cage so that people can see her .
13 Yeah the firework systems supposed to be the centre of the Red Vase designs , we 're putting ourselves in a considerable disadvantage in not visiting and influencing these Red Vase Designs .
14 Back in Fr Butler 's home parish of St Lachtain in Freshford , Kilkenny , Fr Seamus Henry said : ‘ I have n't been in touch with John for some months but I am supporting him in a pastoral way .
15 I am doing them in a minute .
16 In many cases pupils at Key Stage 2 will use the same kinds of resources as were used at Key Stage 1 , though they will be using them in a more sophisticated way .
17 I will be keeping them in a 36″ × 12″ × 15″ tank with small shoal of Serpae Tetras and a Plec .
18 and I need to ensure that this experience erm well I I need to make sure that I will be evaluating it in a similar way as I went along .
19 ‘ I really prefer the idea of an older man or even a bedridden man — even a person totally incapacitated — because at least when you bought him a watch you 'd know you 'd be wearing it in a week or two yourself .
20 With 130 fiendishly addictive levels to complete you certainly wo n't be finishing it in a hurry !
21 With eight courses on offer you wo n't be finishing it in a hurry , and each course must be traversed in both directions , giving a grand total of sixteen levels .
22 Bearing in mind that I 'm taking one in a fortnight 's time .
23 Obviously , you 'll be hiding it in a corner until it 's time to make your move .
24 You could be very stupid and go straight back to your flat , in which case you could be putting yourself in a lot of danger .
25 Then the hotel ( ‘ Charlie sent us , ’ ) and the assistant manager drawing her to one side ( ‘ I 'm putting you in a suite for a couple of hours .
26 That is surely what most people want , and if only Mr Major had not taken Britain into the ERM and so impoverished them unnecessarily , they would be backing him in a clear majority now .
27 In the lastability stakes , Puzznic is , erm , lastable — with 144 screens covering 36 stages you wo n't be contemplating it in a hurry !
28 R's like they are putting you in a helpless position and expecting you to be able to operate from there .
29 He went in acting very worried , looking at people as though ashamed that they were seeing him in a cinema .
30 ‘ Good morning , ’ said the tailor , to this company , for he believed in good manners , and the creatures were surveying him in a judging and intelligent way .
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