Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [prep] a [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 I 've been looking for a pair of doctor martins ca n't find any .
2 I am looking for a people who will come on bended knee ,
3 I am looking for a people who will come on bended knee .
4 I am looking for a 2hr 8min pace and I prepared to take it up if it falls below that . ’
5 It is at times suggested that the security forces are operating under a series of shackles , which it is sometimes suggested are of a political nature .
6 He 'd been living in a £500-a-week hotel suite in Nottingham , spending £2,000 a month on clothes .
7 He says we 're looking at a $20,000 Sandpiper and a $25,000 Flamingo at the entry-level now .
8 Twenty ones , unless you 're playing for a pair of notes .
9 We are aiming for a $300-million improvement in pre-tax profits by 1995 .
10 Scottish fishermen 's representatives are opposing an all-out ban and are calling for a series of restrictions on imports until there is a balanced supply at the markets .
11 France has been suffering from a series of dry winters , since that of 1988-89 .
12 On a somewhat more profane note , stars Paul Jones and Elaine Delmar will be appearing in a series of open-air concerts dedicated to the work of Cole Porter , with the title Let's Do It .
13 Any goal of mine which I have allowed to be chosen for me by others , even if I think of it as an end in itself , can only be serving as a means to something else which my private test does confirm as wanted for its own sake .
14 The out-of-contract midfielder is still waiting for the offer of a new deal from the Geordies and could be heading for a £1m-plus move .
15 The out-of-contract midfielder is still waiting for the offer of a new deal from the Geordies and could be heading for a £1m-plus move .
16 I think I 'm turning into a sheep !
17 The drink made me excited and confused so that time seemed to be moving in a series of huge uneasy jerks , sometimes accelerating wildly and sometimes standing absolutely still .
18 And buy a sheep and come home with it and that over the bridge with it , all along and along er that road there and th and when we used to come from that school in , he used to be coming with a sheep on the string like this and the poor thing , I used to look at the old sheep and he often used to be tired you see .
19 ‘ I think what I 'm asking for a pair of shoes is fair enough though I am keeping the prices low as an incentive for my customers to come back for more . ’
20 He seems to be talking in a series of jumpy thoughts .
21 And then it is clear how Darwin has come to be thinking of a species as a population of individuals , with each member differing from every other because arising in a unique sequence of influences exerted by a unique succession of conditions and mates .
22 The shoal has taken up residence in one particular area of the canal and are congregating in a 6ft deep hole a yard from the far bank reed bed at Plex Lane .
23 The investigators are embarking on a series of related micro studies of wages at plant level — taking some ( small ) firms where bargaining is weak or absent , and others where it is dominant .
24 Instead we are talking about a series of complex configurations of politics , economics and ideology that recursively interact to guarantee that it is not possible to understand what is happening in the local economies of Glasgow , Liverpool or Birmingham in the UK or Baltimore , New York or Toronto in North America without reference to inner city policies wedded to a particular form of symbolic , frequently spectacular , regeneration .
25 She looked as if she were drowning in a goldfish tank .
26 By the decade 's end , shares in America 's packaged-food firms were trading at a 30% premium to Standard & Poor 's 500-stock index .
27 It 's just possible that when the two of you were hunting for a means of rescuing the marchioness she could have pulled herself out and reached firm ground . "
28 The press gave the impression that governors were going through a series of complicated changes and that new puzzles and ambiguities about their powers were being constantly revealed .
29 Towards the end of the nineteenth century both the Foxton and the Watford lock flights were getting into a series state of disrepair and were leaking badly .
30 I 'm about to invest in a brand new , superduper , anti-obsolescence computer and I feel as confident as if I were shopping for a pair of skis .
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