Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [prep] in the " in BNC.

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1 We are aware that we can control the method of access by users though our application , but there are other tools they are using in in the company to access the corporate relational database and your database controller must be aware of those tools and implement the same controls on those views of that information within the database .
2 This is a , a normal test x- ray the commonest manifestation of tuberculosis is the disease of des destructive regions in the upper poles of the lungs and pathologically the very nasty destructive lesions er , are appearing in in the area .
3 Miranda taller , with her bushy hair and colouring that the Italians whose paintings she 'd been looking at in the Louvre rendered by priming the canvas with a copper-based green paint , creating a complexion that draws light in rather than gives it out ; Xanthe beside her with her candy radiance of pink and gold , and rounder too , more neatly assembled , wrist to hand , neck to shoulders , ankle to foot .
4 What have you been looking at in the maths .
5 I , I do hesitate myself because if I walk around normally I have to suffer a lot of abuse by , not by , people by who are walking round , but the people who are passing by in the cars etc .
6 What did they accuse him of in front of Pontius Pilate , that 's what we 're looking for in the Roman trial next to come .
7 Police have released a description of the man they 're looking for in the Tewkesbury attack .
8 Which schools are the is it the high schools they 're getting into in the Midlands ?
9 What you 're , what you 're aiming for in the future ?
10 Well firstly the bill did n't have that rough a passage in the House of Lords , because there are only two basic amendments , er that we 're dealing with in the House of Commons that matter , and one of them is the one you 've just mentioned , the answer to it is this , er I 've had a lot of criticisms of giving B R the untrammelled right to bid , er right from the outset their criticisms to do with the danger that you would n't get competition for the franchises the private sector would be afraid , and incidentally this is not a sell off it 's it 's a way of getting the private sector into British Rail with all the advantages that brings , they would be afraid that they would face subsidized and unfair competition , above all , perhaps , British Rail ge=management would feel if they were bidding against their employer that would be a real discouragement to bid , and we 've a lot of evidence er that they feel that and that there are many who do wish to bid in management/employee buy outs , so what we 've done in the amendment is we 've preserved the right for British Rail to bid , but we 've dealt with those criticisms and worries which have come from a lot of quarters not least from within British Rail itself .
11 What you got to do in that context is forget all the equipment , all the rest of it , try and focus on the chap you 're talking to in the studio , and just have a conversation with him .
12 As I go through the rest of the presentation you 'll see erm the agenda slides highlighting the area of the architecture we 're talking about in the section .
13 Whereas what we 're talking about in the structure plan is how much housing in total , of which affordable housing will form a greater or lesser part .
14 So give us some indication of what sort of press release it was so that we know what we 're talking about in the
15 The , one of the things that we carried forward to do with influencing , erm memories and attitudes , if you 're thinking about in the positive model , positive way , it 'd say going into an situation , I 've been here before , and I was successful .
16 but people chuck all this stuff at you and you , Ooh what 's going on ? now if you 're not very very sure of what you 're working with in the first place
17 This is what goats have been asking for in the their prayers .
18 He said , ‘ Do have a look at the price of some of the things in here , there 's even a knitting machine ’ and there for all to see was an Erka Twinbed Knitting Machine with carrying case and stand for 45 guineas , the very thing Grace Worrell had been asking about in the letter I had been reading only a few seconds before .
19 He remembers sitting on a hard seat , among a hundred other candidates in a large , impressively ancient room , scribbling a General Essay paper for three hours on EITHER Political Necessity OR ‘ Enrichissez-vous ! ’ not at all sure what the examiners would be looking for in the answers — their ideas or his ideas , or the former subtly disguised as the latter , or the latter masquerading as the former .
20 When you work with people and you communicate you listen to what they say and you make sure you say what you need to say then that trust is there and that trust builds and it fosters trust , and really that 's what we 've got ta be looking for in the work situation .
21 so everything 's got ta be sorted out before the Tuesday er I 'm going to in the morning erm
22 This is , I think , what we should all be aiming for in the future .
23 I want at the end erm , Chairman to give you my views of what is meant by er , an integrated and balanced community because I think that 's that 's quite important , but before I do that , I 'd like to mop up one or two er points right at the end in response to some of the contributions that have been made , and I 'll deal with them , Wincup , Curtis , Brook , er and Thomas , if that 's acceptable er to you , and really as far as Mr Wincup is concerned , he 's quite properly raised the issue of procedural issues about how the Greater York authorities is going to address moving towards er an agreed location , and quite clearly I 've got to reaffirm again that the County Council will want to look at both the greenbelt local plan report and your panel report before er it moves erm er forward or looks at any conclusions it may be moving to in the light of those er in the light of those reports , and quite clearly , as we all know , there are a number of options .
24 Er however erm if we get past the three stages that er I 'm just talking about here , er we 'll be talking about in the minute at least , er then er you 'll fully understand what I mean about er you 're almost as as employed as you 'll ever be as a self employed person .
25 Well I 'm talking about in the town and Rupert Street .
26 Something is troubling the curly-haired boy I 'm playing with in the backyard of my grandparents ' house .
27 one of the things I 'm thinking of in the longer term and I I bounced this of er was that if groups moved to Stansted could not be moved across to groups to sort this problem out because I think she 's getting bored in what she 's doing
28 Now er I 'm thinking in in the case of er perhaps a young accountant advising on financial management who finds something odd and perhaps he reports it direct to the authorities , will he be covered or will he have to go through some procedure in order to bring himself within the protection ?
29 ‘ What we are talking about in the future is the House of Wales , not the House of Windsor . ’
30 Here , then , the discussion will simply be an elaboration of what Sperber and Wilson are talking about in the very text I have cited .
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