Example sentences of "be [vb pp] off to the " in BNC.

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1 Despite this , many pet cats are carried off to the vet by exasperated owners for this type of ‘ convenience surgery ’ .
2 At the hotel a tearful maid told the sailor pair the tragic news that Bessie had been carried off to the cholera hospital .
3 General seismic and other expenditures not connected with a specific exploration licence are written off to the profit and loss account immediately .
4 When Dr Solomon is happy that he 's got your ailment sussed , you 're whisked off to the diseases database .
5 It 's about the only thing that has n't been sold off to the Japanese — yet . ’
6 Unfortunately , all good things come to an end and , as expected sooner or later , our ramp would be sucked off to the great skatepark graveyard in the sky to join Chester , Warrington , Preston , Rhyl , etc. … everything this part of the country ever gets .
7 Costs which do not qualify as issue costs should be written off to the profit and loss account as incurred .
8 The SORP requires that advances should be written off to the extent that it appears there is no realistic prospect of recovery .
9 They could then be sold off to the tune of a hundred million pounds to pay off debts .
10 A sample of urine is usually needed either for simple testing in the clinic or to be sent off to the laboratory for more sophisticated tests .
11 Mr Annan 's idea is that these planners — civilians as well as military men — should not remain on their bottoms in New York but should be sent off to the field to implement the operations they planned .
12 Most staff return to the area office in mid-afternoon with samples to be sent off to the laboratory .
13 Well it will be sent off to the Secretary of State in theory he has twenty one days in practice I suspect it will be mid-January at least before we learn .
14 It has to be sent off to the Department of Health on the fourteenth of this month .
15 ‘ If Harry had n't been rushed off to the hospital with chest pains today , ’ he continued , ‘ then I 'd still be at a loss as to know what my only daughter gets up to when my back is turned . ’
16 These are rounded off to the nearest number of complete bars . )
17 The prospect of a restart has now been put off to the end of the year .
18 But if we create a psychology in this country where to the men and women who earn the crust upon which we depend , our business community , are switched off to the significance of Europe , there 's only one people who 'll suffer and it is us .
19 Mrs Archer told her that apart from three vacant rooms ‘ for the tourism ’ , all the others were let off to the council , who put homeless people into them .
20 He was a part , he said , of the illegal and dangerous dissemination of information , dangerous because those who were arrested risked being parcelled off to the Sebsky Institute for Forensic Psychiatry or thrown to the mercy of the zeks in the camps .
21 After one or two formal speeches ( at which reference was made to our visit as the ‘ first short-term English course since the crushing of the Gang of Four ’ , and I tried to make a suitable reply , ) we were whisked off to the Friendship Hotel to a welcoming meal consisting of Peking duck , ancient duck 's eggs , and other good things , and I wielding our chopsticks to the best of our ability .
22 Then they were whisked off to the museum , while we stayed at the hotel waiting for news of our flight to Nanking .
23 The rest were written off to the Chinese , who did not take kindly to violation of their air-space .
24 I remind the Minister that , when the National Bus Company subsidiaries were sold off to the private sector , the first thing that the private company did in many instances was to get rid of the management because of its dissatisfaction with it .
25 Many ofthe 2.5 million rivets have been renewed , and parts of the ironwork have been replaced in recent years-authenticated chunks of the original were sold off to the public as highly-priced souvenirs .
26 The Kitching works were sold off to the S&DR and in 1860 Alfred handed over the Lister works to his cousin , Charles Ianson .
27 And William in there with fists flailing and Preston inevitably drawn in , too , as the fight spread until they were hauled off to the headmaster 's study for retribution ; he was a caning head and it was two strokes on each hand for a fight in the playground , four for the classroom .
28 Class 313s continued to look after the inner suburban system , and the now non-standard 1977-series Class 312s were packed off to the Colchester line .
29 Most of the RCM internees were packed off to the Isle of Man , a late addition to the list of camps drawn up by the War Office in 1939 .
30 We are being swept off to the right , towards a giant chunk of basalt in the river , and despite Sam 's frenzied efforts at the oars , we bounce into it .
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