Example sentences of "be [vb pp] by a few " in BNC.

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1 Despite many brands and designs , skiing hardware companies are owned by a few umbrella companies .
2 In Britain , at least , communications are dominated by a few millionaire proprietors and a few large conglomerate companies .
3 Token bets had been made by a few on the opposing Southern team , so Rex was able to ‘ collect ’ from long time colleagues as well as being presented with a cheque b Mr Ellis .
4 With apologies to Winston Churchill I venture to mis-quote : ‘ Never has so much rubbish been written by a few , against so many . ’
5 I think it genuinely irresponsible that someone with my theatrical track-record has written a play about this internationally known theatrical figure yet it has only been seen by a few people . ’
6 Murtach had learned of a great wolf pack that seemed to roam west of the Skriaig and had been seen by a few desperate hunters seeking deer beyond Ralarth 's borders .
7 They 're tempted by a few hundred pounds to go to places such as Amsterdam where cheap and plentiful crugs can be bought and brought back to Britain .
8 The trillions of dollars in the bond markets have been jostled by a few judiciously placed millions in gold .
9 These are approximations in which the very large number of particles are replaced by a few quantities .
10 Well , I 'm joined by a few people who can give you some clues on guarantees .
11 This holster will allow it to be carried by a few of those who presently have no means of looking after a throwline .
12 We 've been told to take off times , but if there 's one certainty , they 'll be rescheduled by a few hours before the season starts .
13 Sartre is reported to have said that he did not feel free without a thousand francs in his pocket ; this is clearly a freedom which can only be enjoyed by a few .
14 Any of these difficulties can be avoided by a few patient moments of study with the clear and concise instructions that come with the Diamond stunters .
15 Bassett , who yesterday put midfielder Mike Lake on the transfer list , said : ‘ We have allowed our confidence to be affected by a few bad results .
16 He was said to be level-headed and unlikely to be affected by a few fancy words .
17 The pension can be drawn in full for the first eight weeks in hospital , after which your parent will be notified that it will be reduced by a few pounds ( for the exact amount of the reduction see the current issue of leaflet NI9 ) .
18 He was a stout-hearted , even an obstinate man , not to be deterred by a few bruises , and not to surrender his charge without a struggle .
19 The proponents of such outrageous plans were easily muzzled and isolated by the police and military authorities , but localized , ‘ patriotic ’ sympathies for some kind of regional autonomy continued to be cherished by a few individuals and groupings until the collapse of tsarist authority and the ensuing chaos of revolution and civil war created conditions in which the adherents of Siberian independence could now openly press their case and join in the bitter , fratricidal struggle of contending political and nationalist forces which raged across the country 's huge expanses between 1917 and 1922 .
20 It seemed unlikely that the undertaker had troubled sufficiently about those who survived him to take such precautions , but no one could speak with confidence of what had passed through the mind of this man whose deepest preoccupations seemed to be represented by a few scored lines in a medical book and a little bundle of poems .
21 ‘ Hard to believe that this much litter could be caused by a few inebriated louts . ’
22 He championed the ‘ flap ’ technique , which had recently been revived by a few English surgeons .
23 But the same writer also showed his affinity with the notions of contemporary Christendom by observing that battles were won by a few renowned knights , and the army which had ‘ even one more famous warrior than its enemy must … win ’ .
24 Each shot is accompanied by a few paragraphs about the subject 's history , or why he chose to photograph it .
25 The lover 's eventual notion of seeking death at the hand of his lady ( movement 9 : E minor ) is dispelled by a few bars for ‘ Violons ’ and continuo , reminiscent of the quiet opening movements , but in a slower tempo .
26 It is a terrifying condemnation of the universal franchise that the nation 's government is determined by a few thousand self-satisfied oafs who ca n't tell a general election from the Eurovision Song Contest .
27 The evolution of fluctuations with specified magnitude and spectrum is controlled by a few fundamental parameters : the cosmic density , the cosmological constant , and the relative contributions of radiation and of dark and visible matter to the density of the Universe .
28 Throughout the Harlem Renaissance of the twenties and through to the forties it was sustained by a few ambitious but poorly funded independent companies whose efforts received limited exposure .
29 However , until quite recently , the possibility of making recordings in Britain was dominated by a few large companies involved in manufacturing and distributing records as well as originating them .
30 She was bought by a few enterprising Port Ellen gentlemen for £22/23 .
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