Example sentences of "be [vb pp] in the time " in BNC.

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1 Many of the costs are hidden in the time of teachers who are distracted from their primary task by the managerial and administrative requirements of examinations .
2 In either case it is unlikely that all the legal formalities will have been completed in the time allowed for filing an appeal .
3 The only real progress has come in learning how to drive those evaluation routines faster and faster , thus allowing larger numbers of positions to be examined in the time available .
4 Order 7 , r 10(4) which provides that the date of service is deemed to be the seventh day after posting does not apply , and the summons is in this case deemed , by virtue of s 7 of the Interpretation Act 1978 , to be received in the time it would be delivered " in the ordinary course of post " .
5 Usually we picture photons as transversely polarized ; however , photons can equally well be polarized in the time direction or longitudinally along their direction of motion .
6 Try to decide what are the essential aspects to be covered in the time available .
7 The implementation of key targets as operational components of the new strategy — and hence also of the process of negotiation — may be conceived in the time frame of a decade but only in the form of a dynamic process , with different time frames for different components , and with an in-built and effective mechanism for review and reappraisal , leading to adjustments and correctives whenever the strategy is seen to deflect from the goals and objectives of development for which it was devised .
8 In all , 838 post-1976 imprints were identified , and in 814 instances ( 97% ) the method of acquisition was determined ; in the remaining cases , which principally concerned newspapers and serials — types of publication which are stamped in a different way from monographs — the method of acquisition could not be established in the time available .
9 The argument he used was still being used in the time from which I came , give or take a little rodomontade .
10 If no key is pressed in the time limit , INKEY will return -1 and INKEY$ will return a null string .
11 My father had an atlas which had been published in the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire , but this was on such a small scale that it was virtually useless .
12 was done in the time of which set up the Republic of Ireland , get the I R A to declare a truce and talk to them and I think
13 On 1 March he published his intention of inviolably observing the Charter of the Forest in all its articles : he appointed four commissioners to supervise the making in each forest county of ‘ a true perambulation , namely that which was made in the time of the lord King Henry our father , which has not yet been challenged ’ .
14 It is illustrated in an English manuscript of the 13th century , was used in the time of Gerard , and later by Culpeper , and altogether was so well-known and commonly used medicinally , that it was thought " but lost time and labour to describe it " .
15 Luke is wrong , therefore , in saying that the census carried out at the birth of Jesus was taken in the time of Quirinius .
16 If such was indeed the case , the assertion of later authors that the Muftilik was created in the time of Murad II , if it has any validity at all , would have to be interpreted as the elevation of an already existing semi-official or official post of no particular consequence , as , in effect , the transformation of the muftilik of Bursa into the Muftilik of the Ottoman lands .
17 While the earliest sources give no clue to the date of Molla Fenari 's appointment to the Muftilik but simply state that he was Mufti , later Turkish tradition has asserted that the Muftilik was created in the time of Murad II ; and as it is almost universally held that Molla Fenari was the first Mufti , his appointment , if the tradition is to be believed , must have occurred after 824/1421 , the year of Murad II 's accession .
18 Some historians go no further than saying that the Muftilik was created in the time of Murad II ; but others have stated that Molla Fenari was appointed Mufti in the year 828/1424–5 .
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