Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to what the " in BNC.

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1 Technology suppliers to the British hotel and restaurant industry say that their products are often under-exploited , because too little thought has been given to what the systems are supposed to achieve and too low a priority is given to staff training .
2 Kendall ( 1986 ) reminds us that accidents in infancy are related to what the child can do , so are related to stage of development , and quotes the relative incidence :
3 ‘ Our product and service standards are geared to what the customer requires , not set in concrete , ’ says ‘ The standard of service is set by the guest .
4 But these descriptions should be confined to what the heroine sees after her adventure had begun , and in them you want to aim for reality without its customary tackiness .
5 Customer research is important , too : the product or service must be geared to what the customer actually needs .
6 ‘ Might there not be a case for putting the initial interview in the hands of an educational psychologist skilled in eliciting a history without being committed to what the social workers revealingly call ‘ disclosure ’ ? ' , he suggested .
7 At noon on Sunday 18 November 1883 , all the public clocks in North America were changed to what the New York Herald called ‘ the new standard of time agreed upon … as an obvious convenience in all social and business matters ’ .
8 It has not happened since the end of the Second World War , but before the 1987 election , when some commentators were predicting a hung parliament , much thought was given to what the Queen would do about forming a government if they turned out to be right .
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