Example sentences of "be [vb pp] the same [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He demanded a ‘ windfall tax ’ on their bonanza and said those who gamble on currencies should be treated the same as horse racing punters .
2 Indeed , his insistence that punishments should only reflect the harm done to society and have nothing to do with subjective intent would seem to imply that the accident-prone should be treated the same as those who cause harm by design !
3 The claims of the kingdom of God dictate that all people must be treated the same and be held in the same esteem .
4 To attract the best patrons the movie-houses had to ape the conventions and the standards of theatres and opera-houses but very quickly the whole industry realized that the appeal of the movie palaces was not unrelated to the fact that all customers had to be treated the same and so they became temples of a new classlessness .
5 They 'll be treated the same and have their qualifications recognised .
6 There was ‘ no real validity ’ in the argument that they should be paid the same as fire-fighters and the police .
7 I , I would like to think they 'd been supported the same as the boxing club , but after all the boxing club is for youths , and I think they 've got to look after the youths erm , try and find something for them to do , as much as erm , community
8 But what it does show was that , in 1979 , small savers were treated the same as larger savers .
9 Jack Adams , the unions ' chief negotiator , said they would be seeking to ensure production staff were paid the same as those doing similar jobs at Jaguar — in which Ford recently took a stake — who were earning up to £34 a week more .
10 She argued that if women were paid the same as men " it would result in many women being dismissed from many trades " , and also accepted without demur , when giving evidence to the Fair Wages Committee a few years later , the proposition that women were satisfied with less money because they were earning " pin money " if married , and " pocket money " if not.38 With such pessimism about equal pay entrenched in the mind of their organizers , with such low evaluation being set on their work , one might argue that it would have been surprising if a militant women 's union could really be organized in the prevailing atmosphere .
11 The CsA carbon atoms of each CsA are coloured the same as its bound CypA molecule .
12 To all intents and purposes this camera 's output is treated the same as that from any of the cameras down on the studio floor , and can be manipulated accordingly .
13 The Informix version is priced the same as the Ingres board at £10,000 .
14 They are paid the same as people who can teach brilliantly .
15 Because everybody was treated equally at the start of their Legion service , Mike , who had learnt his killing in the bush war in Rhodesia , was treated the same as a South Vietnamese man who had never put on a uniform in his life .
16 Resale-price maintenance ( RPM ) was the arrangement whereby the price of an article — an item of grocery or a washing-machine — was kept the same whether it was sold in the most efficient supermarket or the most run-down corner shop .
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