Example sentences of "be [vb pp] up [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So it was only in the nineteenth century when all the loopholes had been stopped up that marriage became in fact what it had always been in theory , indissoluble .
2 Maybe the two are mixed up some way or another .
3 He 's been made up this morning , he 's had a big tax rebate , fifteen hundred quid !
4 yeah , mine 's going along quite nicely too and my , I 've taken some er cuttings and they 're popped up this week
5 Special recruitment drives have been organised , " model agreements " governing when and under what conditions temporary workers might be used , and " casual workers " charters ' have been drawn up Some unions , notably the electricians , have gone further , establishing local registers of ( otherwise ) unemployed members from which employers have to draw when filling the temporary positions enterprise level agreements have permitted them to create .
6 On Saturday , he had been tied up all day in the stable , but had taken a walk round the Broad over the lunch hour .
7 In France the direction des consulats et des affaires commerciales which had been set up some years earlier was reorganised in 1882 .
8 They are set up each time when the operation is required at run time .
9 Patients , to Aline , were fascinating mental problems to be picked up each time one walked on duty and put down directly one walked out of the ward .
10 The list for the Labour Group will be made up each Friday morning and passed to Jean Speedie by lunchtime .
11 Chairman Alan Noble said a short-list would be drawn up this week .
12 You can access a pop-up calculator , a notepad facility that can be called up each time you execute the program and , from a reviewers point of view the most appealing , you can access the manual at any time during the running of the program .
13 Oi , imagine living in one of those houses there you 'd be woken up all night by ambulances sw blaring away !
14 The next day Walter Miller of the Edison Company was asked whether all the musical records he sent would have the title on the end of the cylinder , as they had seen arranged at the laboratory the day before , to which he replied , ‘ Yes sir , they will be fixed up that way ’ .
15 I did n't have to think ‘ Well , if I put that dress on I 'll only get it dirty because the baby will be sick over me ’ — to be dressed up all day and feel you can be clean and only have nice jobs to do and always be with people …
16 Sixty-hour weeks have been chalked up several times !
17 Well the Boat Race has been livened up this year with the publication of True Blue .
18 This motion has been put up this year because there are changing circumstances which really do require us to give elections to the C E C deeper consideration .
19 A number of places in the faculty are taken up each year by students who are already , or are about to become , graduates in other disciplines .
20 When we came to a final stop we were carried up many flights of stairs , taken into an apartment and dumped on the floor .
21 So who 's going to be the next manager of Oxford United … the shortlist is being drawn up this weekend … the appointment will be made early next week … we ca n't tell you yet who it 's going to be but we can tell the Manor Ground directors who you want …
22 ‘ It 's slit up each side , ’ she said showing an expanse of thigh .
23 ‘ However , he 's tied up this morning , so I 'm taking a look around . ’
24 He 's rigged up some sort of snowplough behind a horse . ’
25 But the corridor is lit up both ways .
26 Pity she 's covered up that copper head .
27 ‘ The body that was washed up this morning : I am interested in it .
28 When the shopping centre was locked up that night , Ray Coary the manager praised my work , and tried to press an envelope on me .
29 He was tied up that evening , apologies , and the rest of his team were out of town .
30 It was set up that way , certainly , but was it set up by him ? ’
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