Example sentences of "be [vb pp] out to [art] " in BNC.

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1 In orthodox psychoanalysis , after the repressions of pre-genital and genital sexuality had been pointed out to the analysand , the choice was then either to sublimate these impulses or to reject them rationally .
2 If this legal consequence had been pointed out to the bank at the time , they might have said that that was not what they intended , but that is a factor common probably to all cases in which a release is given to one of two joint debtors .
3 These chapters record how the instructions given in chapters 25–31 are carried out to the letter .
4 Project management , incorporating information management , within these programmes will ensure that they are carried out to the same high standard as our taxonomic and floristic research .
5 REPAIRS have been carried out to a 40ft long roof of a village canoe store which blew off after just a few weeks in place .
6 Tennis Courts Considerable work has been carried out to the pavilion but no work has been undertaken on the playing surface or the fencing .
7 The execution of these ideas with regard to graphical presentation and production of an addictive shoot-em-up arcade game have been carried out to the highest professional standard .
8 Essential repairs and refurbishment have been carried out to the Library 's Sighthill Bindery and to the Lawnmarket Building .
9 Tennis Courts Considerable work has been carried out to the pavilion but no work has been undertaken on the playing surface or the fencing .
10 1.6 " the Premises " means the part of the Site described in the Second Schedule together with such of the Works and the Tenant 's Works as may from time to time have been carried out on the Premises This describes the premises which are to be demised to the tenant and which will include the tenant 's works and possibly also the landlord 's works where alterations or refurbishment works have been carried out to the premises by the landlord .
11 I wonder whether that has been carried out to the letter on one or two occasions in the last ten years .
12 Contrary to speculation , the house has not been lent out to a public exhibition since 1925 , but remains where it was designed to stand , the only completely untouched Lutyens house in existence , a permanent record of a way of life between the wars .
13 The operating side of BR will continue to provide passenger services until they are franchised out to the private sector .
14 One of Oxford University 's oldest tradition — Encaenia , when honorary degrees are handed out to a select few from public life and academia .
15 Oscars , by contrast , are handed out to an industry that thrives on glittering events and spends money as if it were being withdrawn from circulation tomorrow .
16 They had been called out to a little boy who had been playing behind the family car when his father had reversed it out of the garage .
17 But to Sophie 's intense mortification it was Dawn who arrived and said calmly , ‘ Robert has been called out to a difficult calving case and I 've been told to give you his apologies .
18 ‘ If we are called out to a bonfire which potentially could cause damage , it is our responsibility to put it out .
19 They 're great chums now , Durkin has even been invited out to the house several times . ’
20 This has been borne out to an extent by recent research into teacher stress .
21 Once he had returned the white card , a client 's name , address and phone number were Processed into a lead , which would then be given out to a dealer .
22 To prove the latter part of this point the offence could be pointed out to the defendant , e.g. ’ it is an offence not to be able to show two white lights to the front of your motor car during the hours of darkness ' .
23 Any electrical appliances should be pointed out to the guests with instructions on use if necessary .
24 The association has agreed to meet this expense but it will be pointed out to the Youth Club that if they are responsible for any further damage they will be required to provide the cash .
25 A command which causes lines of the current program to be listed out to the screen with the automatic formatting options specified by LISTO .
26 This is surprising since the European Court of Justice ( ECJ ) has ruled in that the refusal to engage a pregnant woman and a dismissal on grounds of pregnancy are a form of direct discrimination covered by Council Directive 76/207/ EEC without the necessity to resort to comparisons with the treatment which would be meted out to a man in a comparable situation .
27 Twice or three times a year he would be carried out to the automobile or the dog-cart , and be driven round the home farm .
28 In the event the money was nothing like enough because the new owners were able to force Ayling to pay for structural work which needed to be carried out to the upper part .
29 No further work can be carried out to the package until the QA approver has either granted or denied approval to that package .
30 The cardboard box would have to be carried out to the van before she came back .
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