Example sentences of "be [det] [noun] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Two lesser suites — one of which Mr Nixon has — are each £905 a night .
2 This identification and sense of hope are technically possible in the home situation or in hospital but here is a serious risk that family members or medical and nursing staff will , by their own concerned actions intended to help the sufferer to eat , actually thereby enable the addictive disease to continue : there are few hinge the disease likes more than getting other people ( rather than the primary sufferer ) to take responsibility .
3 In rural areas where there are few cinemas the video centres are especially popular .
4 In those days too , there 'd been another festival a month or so later , called ban chho āi , the leaving of the forest .
5 It 's just that there are some things the mind-set is not adjusted to and I was tuned in for bracing winds , long place names and snatches of Tom Jones .
6 There are some rolls a film star just has to grab …
7 First , there are some items the adventurers should not touch .
8 ‘ It must have been some idea the architect had .
9 Are such brooches the product of itinerant craftsmen who produced objects to order ?
10 college is adult education , and the fact that you 're all adults the relationship between you and the lecturers is not the same between you and teachers .
11 but to feel sorry for women and put their view forward because , I mean , you still the situation of a Friday when men go down to the pub and you know they 're all Jack the Lad !
12 As a mere male , what can I do but worship , you 're all woman every bit of you , the funny silly things you say and do .
13 Has society modified it 's conception of family and of black sheep , or are these changes the outcome of a climate of openness I think we 've touched on this , to some extent , already , by saying things have changed .
14 Pale Saints are these days a trip to jollity farm ; this EP is a delightful set of different things .
15 Only in an evolutionary context are these tokens the beginnings , let us say , of planning or choice .
16 It was time for reflection : are these mountain the answer was yes , to both questions .
17 The king had been many years a widower .
18 For he said — Hugh Beringar said — that Brother Cadfael understands wounds , having been many years a man-at-arms . ’
19 Most women who are attracted to men will verify this there are many others the thought of often make up their mind and some would cringe !
20 Then again , it is always possible they tokenised the ban a ) because they felt they could get away with it ; b ) because the stars involved are too big to lose ( especially the photogenic Krabbe ) from the firmament of German sport ; c ) because if it could all be made to look like a mistake , world athletics might look that much cleaner ; d ) because they feared a backlash from the disenfranchised trio , in the form of wholesale revelations about the extent of drug use in athletics , both in Germany and all over the world ; and e ) arising perhaps out of D , they do n't feel like visiting a heavy punishment on their own girls , when there are many others the world over who are equally deserving of banishment .
21 Are those terms the business 's " written standard terms " ?
22 ‘ And are those fires the work of such men ? ’
23 I 'm not a legal man myself , but there has to be some charge the law can bring .
24 The danger of error increases with the length of the extrapolation , which may be many times the length of the segment to which the curve is fitted .
25 It means there wo n't be many places the Fire Fly can go when it is completed .
26 I were in power there would n't be any money no need for it !
27 ‘ There are several problems a nurse returner might face when working for an agency , and it may be helpful to be aware of these in advance .
28 BT 's registration statement for the US showed that ‘ net income ’ and ‘ shareholders ’ equity' under UK generally accepted accounting principles ( Gaap ) were each double the US Gaap figures and retained earnings were three times the US Gaap equivalent .
29 There were some bits the digger was in , but mostly by hand .
30 Were these ex-patriots a part of your workforce and presumably they contribute greatly to the country .
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