Example sentences of "be [vb pp] off to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To facilitate the mass launch , most of Wasp 's Wildcats had to be flown off to loiter overhead .
2 Hers was a brave effort for one who had to be whisked off to hospital on Tuesday after a painful accident .
3 This is a genuine surgical emergency if it occurs and the unfortunate victim has to be whisked off to hospital .
4 As the President of a leading textile firm put it ‘ When the ship is about to be wrecked heavier cargoes should be thrown off to sea ’ ( quoted in Tsuda 1980 p.2 ) .
5 I had to be carted off to hospital , so I did n't manage to complete the work until the new year .
6 I had to be carted off to hospital , so I did n't manage to complete the work until the new year .
7 Their parents had been taken off to detainee camps , and they were lonely and desolate .
8 The imagination of danger keeps us immersed in a story ; the adventurous court it in actual life ; the unadventurous relate with gusto how they were carried off to hospital with an undiagnosed and probably fatal illness , as a vivid patch in an otherwise uneventful life .
9 She looked after some children in their last year before they were packed off to boarding school .
10 Despite his boasts of political eminence in England , the Leader of the British National Socialist Party had a dread of being bundled off to internment in Silesia as an undesirable alien .
11 His broad shoulders and powerful legs were set off to perfection by the excellent cut , while a snow-white silk shirt emphasised his tanned , rugged face .
12 The scene closed with judge and prisoner bowing solemnly to one another , and the latter , after spending half an hour discoursing with his supporters in the courtroom , being led off to prison wreathed in smiles .
13 ‘ The next thing I remember was being taken off to hospital .
14 ‘ He 's been here twice since you were carted off to hospital .
15 The 1989 Ryder Cup caddie master had been hit on the knee by a full-blooded Neal Briggs iron and was being carted off to hospital .
16 When they are 15 or 16 they are sent off to work as building labourers , clothing makers or worse .
17 Only the twins are able to convince the terrorist stone to renounce his plan , yet once the crisis has been averted they are sent off to school in Germany .
18 She finds time to sit down with the patient before she 's wheeled off to X-Ray , explaining exactly how the lung will be sealed off , that pain is inevitable and how it will be controlled .
19 He remembers before especially some idiot handing him a photo of his friend Jochen Rindt 's grave through the window of his car , and he remembers after , the sound of a chopper as he 's wafted off to hospital , but not the accident itself .
20 Then she was whisked off to lunch at the clubhouse .
21 She was packed off to bed by midnight but Mrs Burrows often worked patiently on till the early hours of the morning .
22 When young Thomas Carter returned from his duties about 10.00 , he was given bread and cheese for his lunch , and was Packed off to school with his brother .
23 At last he was packed off to sub-division : held for questioning .
24 ‘ This time an X-ray revealed the damage and I was packed off to hospital for surgery . ’
25 Hundreds of thousands had died in the post-war 'flu epidemic , so anyone who caught it — especially children — was bundled off to bed , as Clare was , with a hot water bottle , some aspirin , and a glass of hot milk with an eggspoonful of whisky in it .
26 Sobbing with pain and rage , he was carted off to hospital by an ashen Claudia and the family doctor , who 'd been presented with a horse every time he delivered a Mendoza baby .
27 He agreed to do so , and Apollinaris , the son of a previous bishop , the great Sidonius Apollinaris , was sent off to king Theuderic as the candidate for the office , and was appointed .
28 My sister was sent off to boarding school near Bournemouth to improve her health and was near starved , but Mother always managed to find something for the home fare — I remember a great day when she found the butcher 's bare and bought a goose that was available and that we certainly should n't have had it in normal circumstances and I was quick to see it was an ill wind that did nobody any good !
29 When he failed to get in to Merchant Taylors , Iain was sent off to boarding school in Bishop 's Stortford .
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