Example sentences of "be [vb pp] as [v-ing] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The products of prisons are seen as taking over the market for the products of honest working men .
2 While both initiatives are seen as bringing about a closer link between assessment and teaching and learning , and place a greater emphasis than hitherto on teacher assessment , Broadfoot points to various tensions and contradictions between these systems of assessment .
3 Both are seen as emerging out of a human ‘ need ’ to associate with other humans , which in turn leads to increased production , further increased needs and thence to the social division of labour .
4 People are seen as going up a ladder : they are trainees , they become accepted when they get to know the school rules — the ambience is that once you 've survived the initiation , you 're part of this club , this closed society .
5 Although this formulation has been referred to in subsequent cases it has not been adopted as laying down an all embracing test .
6 Tests which are not based upon adequate linguistic descriptions must be regarded as lacking in construct validity .
7 The transaction in the new site will be undertaken by Tradeco , which will be regarded as carrying on a trade .
8 Precatory words were one , but only one , category of words which would be accepted as setting up trusts if they made the testator 's intention clear .
9 The risk of the Kantineservice decision is that , although there is no true transfer of an undertaking when the franchisor is changed , the person acquiring the franchise may be seen as taking over responsibility for running the undertaking and will normally retain the original employees .
10 The term 's work was not to be seen as leading up to the audio tape .
11 But it was Barth himself who really carried this programme through , insisting that even the doctrines of creation and sin must be grounded in christology , that there is no predestination of God apart from Jesus Christ , that on the cross Jesus himself is the one rejected and abandoned by God , and that both judgement and mercy , reprobation and election , must be seen as worked through in him , All these lines must , so to speak , be carried into the centre where they meet in Jesus Christ himself , and be seen as opening out from him rather than as constituting a distinct frame of reference into which he can be subsequently fitted .
12 But such a massive U-turn — Mr Major has always rejected a public vote — would be seen as giving in to the rebels .
13 It was thought that Iraq had chosen to respond to the appeal from a friendly leader of the Non-aligned Movement , rather than be seen as giving in to Western pressure .
14 The aphids of Chapter 10 could be seen as paying out nectar to hire professional bodyguards .
15 More generally , his theory provides us with a remarkable insight into the nature of the British constitution ; the entire thrust of Oakeshott 's work can be interpreted as laying down a view of the world in which the British constitution with its conventions , understandings , and practices which have evolved through a slow historical process actually makes sense .
16 Briefly summarised , these are first , that photosynthesis may be ‘ switched ’ on and off reversibly : and second , that its behaviour is highly modular in that the complex series of reactions that make up photosynthesis can be reviewed as going on inside a number of ‘ boxes ’ , each fairly distinct and separable from each other — the light-harvesting mechanisms , the conversion of the light energy to ATP , the use of ATP to make carbohydrates and so on .
17 ‘ How could that possibly be misconstrued as closing off ? ’
18 Thus in ( 140 ) below the lighting of a fire is presented as a condition which would have permitted Pops to be found sooner , but the fire could not be conceived as acting on Pops directly itself and " making him be found " : ( 140 ) A fire would n't have mattered except that it would cause Pops to be found sooner .
19 Thus , they are viewed as having in mind an analytical model which they believe explains how the economy works .
20 Gaius ' list was not exhaustive , and another source too provides confirmation that by his day other wordings were regarded as setting up trusts .
21 In the late 1940s and 1950s the fast reactor was held in such esteem that other forms of nuclear power generation were seen as filling in time until the FBRs were ready to go on stream .
22 Such invasions were seen as bringing about conflict , sometimes of an extremely violent nature .
23 However , several constraints were identified as holding back this development .
24 In the current era of food surpluses , efforts are being made to reduce production , both by political manoeuvre ( e.g. set aside and diversification ) and a return to sustainable systems of agriculture which are perceived as going back to traditional methods .
25 If its history is taken as stretching back 2,500 years .
26 It might then be the ‘ painting of Limbo ’ which Mantegna is recorded as working on for Ludovico Gonzaga in a document of 1468 .
27 This weirdo is perceived as poking around dusty old bookshops instead of the gleaming God-have-you-any- conception -what-this-refit-has-just-cost-us sort of outlet and , worse , buys secondhand books , books that have already been sold and therefore attract no income or royalties whatever ; and who might even be willing to pay up to 10 times the original cover price if the damn thing is a first edition , whereas everyone knows that first editions are merely what are given away free , for heaven 's sake , to hacks who seldom review them and — even more galling — to the bloody authors who wrote them in the first place .
28 When the name of a group of fishes is mentioned as going out for a swim all the members walk around the monsters in a circle .
29 This latter use raises the question however of describing what is implied as leading up to the realization of the infinitive event , that is , of justifying why the speaker should want to represent the infinitive incident to a support conceived as occupying a before-position with respect to the infinitive 's event .
30 A European Court of Justice ruling on July 21 was seen as opening up the possibility of EC citizens applying for social security benefits in the United Kingdom even though they lived outside the UK .
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