Example sentences of "be [vb pp] and [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Speaking to The Art Newspaper Sylvia Thomas , the YAS archivist , explained that almost half the one hundred parchment rolls ( each roll comprising up to thirty parchments ) had now been treated and that work would probably continue for another four to five years .
2 Please hurry though , stocks are limited and this offer must close on Saturday 30th June 1990 .
3 What action would you take to ensure all records are amended and all departments are notified ?
4 A few days before discharge is expected , any services required are arranged and any drugs , dressings and appliances ( e.g. Mr Reynolds ' stoma equipment ) are ordered .
5 The staff development policy has been revised and all staff are now guaranteed their own individual development plan and will work towards the appropriate NVQ units for their job role .
6 Suddenly , the circumstantial shackles are banished and this hirsute foursome wings scarcely precedented amounts of beauty and pathos from their thunderous psycho-grunge blueprint .
7 Many miles of film have been exposed and several forests felled to supply the paper to print the wit and wisdom of Hannah Hauxwell .
8 It seems that while everybody does dream during REM sleep , most dreams are forgotten and some people forget more readily than others .
9 Limited provisions for fluctuations are included and some choice is given to the employer in the subcontractors to be employed for specialist work .
10 It is not really a cost of living index since many goods of a luxury nature are included and several items ( e.g. income tax , insurance premiums , etc. ) for which it is hard to identify ‘ units ’ of sale are excluded .
11 If the court considers that a matter has not been disclosed and that matter might have affected shareholders ' decisions on how to vote , it is unlikely to sanction the scheme ( see , for example , Re Jessel Trust Limited [ 1985 ] BCLC 119 and Re MB Group plc [ 1989 ] 5 BCC 684 ) .
12 However , on Monday morning , 29 April 1991 , I discovered that the seating in the office ( Room 3.14 ) had been rearranged and that cigarette ash was over the meeting table and one of the chairs .
13 All the basic properties of Wave Motion are considered and some time is spent on Ray Optics and Simple Electricity .
14 These include the purposes for which the product has been manufactured and any instructions or warnings with respect to doing or refraining from doing anything in relation to the product .
15 Wensley ( 1981 ) says that management must decide how much effort should be exerted on CAPM compared to the strategic analysis of competitive advantage , but the position adopted here is that the two concepts are related and that effort on one ought to improve understanding of the other , even if little research on such matters has yet been performed .
16 Over a period some mistakes had been made and several members of the Committee were not in full agreement , but if ideas and plans were to be achieved there was bound to be hard talking at Meetings .
17 Nevertheless an important start has been made and some students are being exposed to a segment of African literature .
18 Restrictions on parent/child contact have been imposed and these decisions have been backed by the threat of court proceedings .
19 The reviews are collected and another meeting scheduled between the facilitator and the idea originator .
20 B. On the lowland plains more fodder crops , including barley , oats , turnips and swedes are grown and much hay is made from grass grown in rotation with these arable crops .
21 This means that fewer cereal crops ( such as oats ) are grown and more land is put down to grass .
22 Erm the president finds that people only obey his decisions if certain conditions are met and these conditions rarely come together .
23 Question 1 of the additional questions will reveal whether or not the road has been adopted and all charges paid .
24 At the recent meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council it was reported that the site of the former mill ponds — known as ‘ the cut ’ in Scorton had again been opened and that tipping was taking place there .
25 All the rest , save one , have been demolished and that block is now used as a neighbourhood local authority services centre ( housing management , social services , etc. ) rather than for housing .
26 For the overnight journeys from the channel port , transcontinental type coaches , fitted with toilet , bar for soft drinks , tea or coffee , compressed air or air conditioning systems are used and most seats are reclining .
27 When all the necessary information has been supplied and any input errors corrected , the request can be sent to LIFESPAN by pressing the RETURN key .
28 Many genes are transcribed and many proteins synthesized .
29 It was stated afterwards that the principles for future friendly relations had been agreed and that border and other issues would be resolved with respect for mutual interests .
30 This invokes the operation of vicious circles , involving deforestation for arable cultivation and fuelwood underpinned by rapidly increasing population pressure ; as land is degraded by accelerated erosion , even steeper slopes are cultivated and more forest is cleared .
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