Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [to-vb] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 ESA 's medium-sized missions are intended to complement the four larger missions that form the cornerstones of its scientific programme : the SOHO solar observatory , the XMM observatory for X-ray astronomy , a far-infrared space telescope and the cometary probe Rosetta .
2 It is intended and er all four sets of government officials are resolved to integrate the two agencies in time for the commencement of the P I production phases .
3 When combined , these enhancements are expected to increase the II 's floating point to a integer ratio .
4 When they are combined , these enhancements are expected to increase the SuperSparc-II 's floating point to a integer ratio .
5 The IAAF are expected to ratify the DLV decision .
6 To keep the instrument as simple as possible , no voltage regulator has been incorporated to keep the d.c. supply to IC1 at a constant level .
7 No attempt has so far been made to incorporate the two higher levels ( discourse rules and world knowledge ) within the present project .
8 Attempts have been made to distinguish the two forms by close reading of ‘ groups ’ or ‘ sequences ’ within the collection , but such attempts either to arrange the order of the 1609 Quarto into some new scheme , or to read a consistent development within it are equally misguided .
9 No effort has been made to investigate the tens of thousands of murders and ‘ disappearances ’ that have occurred over the past three years : in February , Sri Lankan human rights activists estimated that 40,000 people had ‘ disappeared ’ since 1987 .
10 Since the closure announcement , an active job search programme has been mounted to help the 360 people made redundant .
11 A figure published by Platt 's for aggregate OPEC output for February was also 22.9 million b/d , but care is obviously needed before any attempt can be made to relate the two .
12 Try as the leadership might to erase what happened , nothing can be done to change the one fact on which the future of China turns : the men who ordered the assault on Tiananmen Square will surely die long before the youth they ordered to be killed .
13 The rest of her livestock will be sold to meet the twelve thousand pounds costs awarded against her .
14 It is expected that the 1992 Asian tournament ( the next one in 1994 will be too late ) will also be used to find the two qualifiers from Asia who will play in the Asia Pacific Zone 1995 World Cup preliminaries .
15 From down in the corrie , the first view appears of the Ben 's mighty cliffs and the spectacular Carn Mor Dearg Arête , which must be crossed to link the two peaks .
16 It had been agreed in September that a new accord should be negotiated to replace the 1948 Treaty of Friendship , Co-operation and Mutual Assistance [ see pp. 38444-45 ] and a first round of talks took place in October .
17 Thousands more Britons will now be forced to join the 35,000 who have lost their homes since the election and the 58,000 who have lost their jobs .
18 Libya did , however , offer full co-operation with French investigators , who would be allowed to question the four senior intelligence officers , one of them the brother-in-law of Libyan leader Col. Moamer al Kadhafi , suspected of having carried out the Niger bombing .
19 The French government on Oct. 14 affirmed its continued support for the government of President Idress Déby and four days later announced that 300 paratroops would be sent to reinforce the 1,100 French troops already stationed in Chad .
20 The audit should take place at the same time as the hardware inventory is being checked , and a relational database should be constructed to link the two inventories together .
21 Yet paradoxically , this very scope itself demanded rapid resolution of such stresses , particularly since as time went on it would become more apparent that a much greater momentum and will than that supplied by the Treaty of Rome would be required to push the Six firmly into economic union and political unity .
22 Otherwise , a complete bulk transfer will be required to make the two consistent again .
23 The programmes are now registered as providing learning support for NVQs at level 3 ( the Certificate ) and level 4 ( the Diploma ) which means that any students paying their own fees should not be required to pay the 25 per centincome tax component on either the HCIMA assessment fees or the college fees .
24 The plant opened just three years ago and Conner has n't been asked to repay the millions of pounds of grant aid its received .
25 The test involves experiments in which some children are trained to connect the two strategies while others are trained in the two strategies but with no explicit connection between them .
26 They 've been issued to celebrate the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the birth of the composer Sir Arthur Sullivan .
27 The teachers are forced to cancel the 800 metres when the other competitors all withdraw rather than be humiliated by being beaten by me and my Mum is moved to tears of joy and pride as I win the 4 × 100 metres relay race on my own .
28 Both measures were intended to curb the 1991 budget deficit after initial projections had put it at Rbs250,000 million .
29 Two sections ( four aircraft ) of 807 Squadron were scrambled to join the four Fulmars of 808 Squadron on patrol , these latter aircraft intercepting sixteen S.79s of 38° Gruppo from Sardinia , but as Lt. Tillard led the attack they were themselves ‘ bounced ’ by a dozen escorting CR 42s of the 3° Gruppo C.T .
30 They were expected to support the M-19 coalition .
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