Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [subord] those [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This leaves the possibility of a splendid house being found in the east courtyard , where the museum and custodian 's house now stand ; but had any substantial remains survived , traces of them would surely have been found when those buildings were erected .
2 Non-randomised comparisons of epidural analgesia with no analgesia or other forms of pain relief are likely to be biased since those women experiencing long , difficult labours are more likely to request epidural analgesia .
3 It remains to be seen whether those words of hope can be turned into results .
4 Further , if a theory is to be experimentally tested , then more will be involved than those statements that constitute the theory under test .
5 The entrances can be defined as those holes exhibiting quantities of scraped-out sand or soil around them , whereas a bolt or exit hole is simply that , a hole in the ground with no other clue to its whereabouts than that hole .
6 Foundations can be defined as those parts of the structure in direct contact with the ground which transfer the weight of the building and the loads exerted on it to the soil beneath .
7 Culture may be defined as those ideas , traditions , points of view and modes of behaviour which exist amongst a particular people , and which are transmitted , through learned behaviour , from generation to generation .
8 ‘ Mr Baker was talking about the danger that could be caused if those controls were swept aside . ’
9 Left-inclined critics of pluralism reject the utility of the public/private distinction as ideological ; they reject the idea of a self-contained autonomous politics distinct from the economy and economic power ; and they argue that decisions made by businessmen in " private " enterprise have a massive public aspect that needs to be explored because those decisions involve the exercise of very real power .
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