Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [coord] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the literature a " simple " material is referred to as one in which the stress depends only on the history of the deformation gradients F ( dependence on higher-order gradients has been considered but at present seems to be of little practical value ) .
2 But this account of achieving grace by the easy means of a self-chosen deprivation did nothing to mitigate the deeper shame ; some original wrong had been done and at home this was known .
3 No further issues have been made and at April 1988 this represents the cumulative total issued since the introduction of SDRs .
4 No such regulations have been made and at present the government has no plans to make any .
5 The open sewer in the high street looked as if it had never been cleaned and at times we squelched ankle deep in human excrement .
6 So , after lunching at one of the excellent local inns , we contented ourselves with making a wide sweep South to the River Dove and back up to the Derwent , — stopping at Castleton which , with its show caves and fluorspar ( Blue John stone ) mines should n't be missed and at Eyam which was so badly ravaged by the pestilence of 1665/6 that it is still known as The Plague Village .
7 So , after lunching at one of the excellent local inns , we contented ourselves with making a wide sweep South to the River Dove and back up to the Derwent , — stopping at Castleton which , with its show caves and fluorspar ( Blue John stone ) mines should n't be missed and at Eyam which was so badly ravaged by the pestilence of 1665/6 that it is still known as The Plague Village .
8 That will only be so if the unbelieving partner is to leave , because at that point the values and foundations of the marriage are shown to be violated and at odds .
9 At the very least you should consult two historians whose views you know to be opposed or at variance .
10 It became clear that her reasons for not wanting to come forward were based largely on feeling guilty about her children being affected or at risk .
11 Certain principles of analysis have to be learned in work on other types of cultural formation , and on the relations between formal and informal , established and breakaway formations , before the problems which are being negotiated and at times overridden in the combines and corporations can be substantively rather than merely organizationally assessed ( see pages 116ff below ) .
12 I had for too long been conscious only of my own concerns , but now I became aware that those around me were troubled and at odds .
13 During the excavations at nearby Holborough both Bronze and Iron Age artifacts were discovered and at Luddesdown an Iron Age site was found .
14 2 nurses can perform a dressing more efficiently and cut down the length of time a wound is exposed and at risk and the number of times hands need to be washed .
15 And Richard Parks , an engineer with the Bechtel Corporation , which built the plant and is the prime contractor for the clean-up , claimed that ‘ the operation is disorganised and at times irresponsible .
16 While the rural location possessed great charm it was isolated and at times Ashley felt a little bit vulnerable , so when a local builder had acquired the land she had been pleased .
17 On the return journey , the Thornton Heath branch was covered and at Telford Avenue depôt , the party changed to another car and No. 1 had completed its last public journey in London , to be prepared for sale to Leeds .
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