Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adv] [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 As the hon. Gentleman knows , whenever we make comparisons the figures that we quote are adjusted backwards to ensure that we quote them on a truly comparable basis in all instances .
2 The other two cases are included primarily to emphasize that a wide variety of phenomena is contained within the Lorenz equations , although , since yet further variety can be obtained by varying r/r c and b , they can do so only by example .
3 Newbolt 's attitude is still very common — not only among the British ( especially those who have come under the influence of F. R. Leavis ) , but also among American free versifiers who think they are an avantgarde and who are muddled enough to think that they have Pound 's authority to back them .
4 Analysis has been brought forward to show that what was taken as proof of a lack of logical processes amongst ‘ primitive ’ peoples was often simply misunderstanding by ill-informed European commentators of the meaning of what was being said and done .
5 They should be checked regularly to endure that all nuts and bolts are secure , and also inspected for cracks and flaws which can develop at places which are subject to a lot of stress , such as the bottom of attachment posts , the hinge area and where the metal is thinner round nut holes .
6 The case against the defendant was indeed a strong one and for that reason their Lordships would not be prepared simply to recommend that an acquittal be ordered , but they do not feel able to say that the jury would inevitably have convicted , if the defence had been furnished in advance with the three statements in question and if the jury had received the accepted direction on evidence as to character and guidance from the trial judge on the problem , whatever it was , indicated when they first returned to court .
7 On the one hand it can be used simply to say that whilst theory is essential and desirable it nevertheless depends for its validity on observation ( of an empirical kind ) .
8 In these cases the framework for college membership will have to be negotiated carefully to ensure that students from Compact schools are not asked to work towards targets they have already achieved .
9 No plan should be inflexible , the services offered and the demands of clients should be monitored constantly to ensure that both are compatible .
10 A Children 's Rights Commissioner should be appointed immediately to ensure that children 's rights in the UK are upheld .
11 Furthermore , where standard costs are used , they need to be reviewed frequently to ensure that they bear a reasonable relationship to actual costs obtaining during the period .
12 A strong case can be put forward to demonstrate that no decision can be taken without full consultation with parents and due deference to their views .
13 We might be tempted also to say that other benefits of depreciation accounting would ensue , such as producing a charge in revenue accounts for the use of assets , rather than as at present for the financing of assets .
14 The research evidence suggests that support from one 's family should be the last resort and not the first , and that even then it must be handled carefully to ensure that each party retains a proper independence of the other .
15 In Chapter 9 we discuss some of the arguments which have been put forward to suggest that British companies are likely to be slower than their international competitors in taking up new technology based products and production processes .
16 Various arguments have been put forward to suggest that specific statutory provisions have been entrenched .
17 We are forced immediately to see that Blanche is addicted to alcohol .
18 Polls suggested that up to one in four Conservative MPs wanted her to go before the next general election : growing numbers of backbenchers were prepared openly to declare that the time had come for her to call it a day .
19 The minister Nicholas Breton , for example , noted in 1603 that his parishioners ‘ came to service more for fashion than devotion ’ , while the preacher John Angier of Denton in Lancashire believed that his parishioners came ‘ for no other purpose but to sleep , as if the sabbath were made only to recover that sleep they have lost in the week ’ .
20 I promise the Hon. Gentleman that no trust hospitals will be created without those hospitals first agreeing to the totality of their obligations and without their being monitored thereafter to see that they fulfil those obligations .
21 We were taken aback to learn that the late king 's additional name of Lasso Rinding means " Granite Penis " — a title he apparently did nothing to dishonour .
22 Since then a number of people a great deal abler than ourselves have worked on the problem but , because of the sheer labour of handling the algebra they were forced either to assume that the crack tip was infinitely sharp , that is had zero radius , or else , with a finite tip radius , to use very approximate methods , or at least to map the stress system only in certain regions .
23 She had been mistaken ever to think that he would come .
24 The direction ‘ laissez vibrer ’ is given here to indicate that the cymbals are to be allowed to vibrate freely — to ring on until their vibration dies away naturally .
25 But there is a partial definition of ‘ appropriates ’ in clause 3(1) , which is included partly to indicate that this is the familiar concept of conversion but also for particular reasons later to be mentioned .
26 Care is needed here to ensure that the interviewers ' questions do not get crossed .
27 It is difficult to believe that all the paraphernalia of sex is needed merely to ensure that males are not confused with females or males of another species : that could be achieved much more quickly and less colourfully .
28 Where the record is produced simply to show that a statement was made , not whether it is true .
29 Since only adults can give consent , he is bound logically to admit that a child " is born a Subject of no Country or Government " .
30 But when one is dealing with associative use , we have to do with a binary distinction ; the adjective is introduced solely to indicate that its property , even though applicable to some other entity , is associated with the entity of its noun phrase , and here there are only two possible states — either the property is associated , in the view of the speaker , or it is not ( and of course by a slightly curious consequence of the communicational process , the state must always be the positive one , since if the property were not felt to be associated with that entity and needed for identification , then the adjective which designates that property would simply not appear ) .
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